Sound like Christians to me.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Cache Landing, Oct 15, 2007.

  1. At the risk of being put on ignore, let me reiterate this last post.

    A thinking mind makes this world. It's thought patterns/habits are not like God's.

    This pseudo-mind "lives" as long as the thought that gives it life is wished for and believed in.

    The mind seems to take on a life of it's own, interested in self-preservation/survival. I have described it as "ego". But it has been personified as "Satan" or "the devil". He is a gamer, a wily coyote, a trickster, a mondo idiot...just ask brother bluud...he can verify all of this. All of it's machinations are built on Self-deception. It's constructs are all shabby, temporary, changing.

    The body is it's the ego's crowning achievement. Like Shick's disposable razors, bodies are the ego's bread and butter. It keeps the whole corporation afloat.

    This mind is a machine capable of amazing feats of artificial intelligence. It exists in time, and lives only as long as time, and the thought that birthed it are believed in.

    The Son of God makes this mind upon a wish that everything about reality be different than what it is.

    Reality is one. So the difference is all about fragmentation, ie. separation.

    Instead of days, the physical worlds began upon phase four of a mind that was splitting. Each time it split it worked it's way deeper into an ignorant state. After each split, the former condition of the mind is denied and repressed.

    The first split occurred upon a harsh Self-judgement having no basis in reality. As more judgements (decisions without all the facts) were built as "logical" outcomes upon that first judgment, the universe as you perceive it became inevitable.

    To summarize, the universe was made as the Son of God made a wish and blew out the candle on a birthday cake. In the dark, there appear to be many candles, none of which seem to have anymore light. This wish began the strange phenomenon called childbirth. Each birth adds one more smoking candle on the cake wished for.

    Everything in this universe is set up to convince you of the uniqueness and reality of your body, and thus the validity of the ego's entire system.

    It behooves the ego to make it look like God made the world. It's idea of God is one to be feared. It would have you bow down and worship Him as your maker, the cause of your bodily "life".

    Sitting itself upon the throne of God, the ego is pleased to have it's bodies "spiritualized", and somehow made sacred. It craves for you to spiritualize certain places and objects, making them sacred. For by making various parts of it's illusion "special", it perpetuates it's concept of reality.

    My own body was meaningless to me. There was no truth about it. And yet, people calling themselves Christians have idolized it, and filled it full of special blood to drink.

    The fact is, there was never a "time" when the body was not meant to die. Guilt did not kill it...guilt made it! The concept of guilt was manufactured in the mind as it began to split relative to judgments it made upon itSelf. Therefore, it predates physical existence. Guilt makes the body for dying because the body is made for attack. A guilty mind projects it's venom upon the body...anybody...and kills it. And this is first an attack upon the truth, "the first casualty of war".

    The body "lives" and "dies" as a symbol of a mind that is divided between reality and illusion. This gives rise to duality...good and evil...etc. The "good" is a reflection of reality, although not a very good one. The "bad" is a reflection of it's opposite, even though reality has no real opposites.

    So the world is imagined.

    So the world is all about "image".

    So the world is a front, a prop, a stage platform for scripts to play out.

    And oh, does the devil have a script for you!

    It's scripts are lurid, painful, joyless, and full of constant change...everything opposite reality punctuated by substitutes for reality: fake love, fake joy, fake abundance, fake intelligence, fake peace, fake bliss, fake oneness.

    Such is the world. But it was your wish. So you are never a victim.

    And because you asked for this, and because it was delivered, it is still love. Twisted, yes. But love nonetheless, proving that love has no opposites.

    To escape the world, you must look squarely at it for what it is. It is built on dissociation in a very powerful mind. As it turns out, dissociation was not a solution to the problem of guilt, it is delusion. Look at the delusion. Look away and you will protect it. Look at it carefully. Then ask yourself if this is still what you wish. Be calm when doing this. Simply look honestly for truth, and let the light of truth dispel the darkness.

    Dissociation is a decision to forget, so this is a remembering process. What has been forgotten then appears fearful, but only because the dissociation is an attack on truth.

    Genesis continues this attack on the truth. If our Father made this world, He would be cruel indeed. If God made the world and its bodies then "you" must be real. This legitimizes your alleged individual existence and keeps you running away from your one real problem.

    Individuals seem to join, and sometimes they call this "marriage". But bodies cannot really join, and in this world, death makes separation inevitable.

    The mind can join. So the ego does not want you to focus on mind. It wants you to focus on the body as your reality.

    In this way, what passes for Christianity has been led into "temptation", and serves the ego's agenda as it attempts to incorporate Genesis and the concept of sacrifice into it's theology.

    #141     Oct 24, 2007