Sort by years from IPO

Discussion in 'Technical Analysis' started by just21, Dec 4, 2002.

  1. just21


    I read in Investors Business Daily recently that the biggest gains in stocks happen within eight years of the IPO. Does anyone know of a database that can sort on years from IPO? I would also then like to sort that list by wether they are optionable or not.

    thanks for any help
  2. That means that in about 4 years, you will be loaded from all the IPO stocks you should buy now!
  3. just21


    Any leads or ideas?
  4. you can do this easily if you have TC2000. I have done this on regular basis.
  5. just21


    How do you do it in tc2000? I can't see any obvious way.

  6. ((C - C2000) / C2000 * 100)
    Try this scan. The logic 8 years is 2000 trading days.
    now sort the all stock list using this criteria. All those with less than 8 years will have no value attached to them.
    Or alternatively try this scan if you want a perfect cut off date
  7. ((C - C2000) / C2000 * 100)
    Try this scan. The logic 8 years is 2000 trading days.
    now sort the all stock list using this criteria. All those with less than 8 years will have no value attached to them.
    Or alternatively try this scan if you want a perfect cut off date