Soros Says U.K. Is Approaching ‘Tipping Point’ as Brexit Bites

Discussion in 'Economics' started by piezoe, Jun 20, 2017.

  1. piezoe


  2. java


    Just as many predicted in the very beginning.
  3. zdreg


  4. Overnight


    You can report your own post and put the message in there. Mods will see it faster that way. *smile*
    Max E. likes this.
  5. java


    Former Nazi employee admits brexit is the tipping point for the doomed EU.
    murray t turtle likes this.
  6. dumpdapump


    Source : Conservopedia :D

    Frederick Foresight likes this.
  7. Nighthawk


    Correction: Former Nazi employee worth $30 billion. You are not quite well "informed", are you?
    Cuddles likes this.
  8. Soros bought some pounds.The career`s started with the pound and will end with the pound.
    Nighthawk and Piptaker like this.
  9. java


    I'm not a journalist. I just write the headlines. If you want information read an article. If you want an opinion read the headlines.
  10. piezoe


    Thanks. Iv'e never done that, so I didn't know how. Should have realized that "report" had something to do with that.
    #10     Jun 21, 2017