someone should go to jail for this

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Brandonf, Jun 13, 2007.

  1. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

  2. [sarcasm]Do you mean the surviving illegal immigrants? Or our heroes in uniform? [/sarcasm]

    Their must be some cold hearted people in that part of the country.
  3. “....important to understand that this was fundamentally a failure of caring.”

    lol. Is there anything the Americans can do right?

    Too bad this couldn't happen a few months ago, maybe it would've been included in Michael Moore's Sicko.
  4. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    I could really care less about this womans status, if she was here legally, illegally or otherwise. She is first a human being, and if one person can fall victim to this, at some point any of us could. This is outragous that this was allowed to happen to this poor woman. What else could she have done? Go to the ER?

    On a related note, I know the system is in terrible shape, and I also know that illegals play a HUGE part in that break. But, I think that this happened because people just accepted that it was broken and did not give a shit to try to fix it for this lady, they did not want to put in any extra effort beyond the bare minimum that was required of them, which unfortunatly we are seeing as a common theme in America these days. We all seem to be suffering from a terrible collective case of Half Assedness.
  5. Sad commentary. We only have a two option legacy to leave our children in every profession -- go to jail or get sued. Extra effort is not in the employee handbook, extra effort on the job can result in a lawsuit or loss of insurance coverage.
  6. maxpi


    Whatever. King Drew has been reorganized repeatedly over the decades. Basically nobody in the area is insured. The Federal policy that Hospitals must serve everybody that comes in to an emergency room plus the illegal immigrants that have overwhelmed the emergency rooms have shut the doors of 85 hospitals in California so far and more to come. Now an uninsured parolee with warrants has croaked......... bleeding hearts all better run and get Hillary/Obama to see what they can do for us all next.

    I kind of doubt if ER workers in that area give a rats posterior about some gang banger type croaking. There was an ambulance worker back in the day that was offing the shot gang bangers on their ride to the hospital!! Nobody did anything about it afaik, the story just faded out of the news with the guy still on the job, he was in a union or something.
  7. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    I am far from a bleeding heart, but if this could happen to one person, then it could happen to any of us. A good friend of mine, who makes well over a million dollars a year, lost his finger a few years ago when he caught it in the car door. This was at about 2am so he had no choice but to go to the ER in Miami. He got there and waited OVER 90 MINUTES BEFORE HE WAS EVEN TRIAGED, and then several hours to get back to see the doctor. Ultimatly he lost the finger, and the doctor yelled at him for not coming in sooner, coz if he had they could have saved the finger.

    Two years ago I was in the lobby of the ER @ Doctors Hospital in Sarasota at the peak of season. A kid came in who had completely sawed his thumb off, he was in the waiting room for nearly an hour before they got him into the ER, and when they finally did get him back there he ended up in the hall way.

    These are only just two stories I am personally familiar with, so I'm sure there are countless others. Seeing what happened to this lady is just a continuation of what is happening over all. It needs to be addressed and fixxed somehow, or when you and I have our heart attacks we will not be safe.

  8. This hospital has been plagued since it's inception. Read the article at the following website:

    The whole situation seems like a Catch-22. The following excerpt explains the core problem with reform at the hospital:

    Fear of being called racist

    At the heart of the rhetoric surrounding the hospital has been the issue few politicians want to confront: race.

    Some in the core group of hospital activists have made race a central element. Members of the Board of Supervisors and other critics have been reluctant to take on problems partly for fear of being branded racists.

    "Asking about King/Drew really was like touching the third rail," said Connie Rice, a prominent civil rights lawyer who is African American. "You would get such a voracious and vicious, racially accusatory backlash that no one would touch it."

    As a public hospital, King/Drew cannot be a black institution — at least not officially. But in practice, it and its affiliated medical school have been black since their inception.

    "It's the most symbolic and substantive institution in the black community," said state Assemblyman Mervyn Dymally, who has been involved with the hospital throughout its history. "It is probably the only major institution in which we have a sense of ownership. King/Drew is ours…. It's a product of our sweat and tears."

    Most King/Drew employees — including many doctors — are black, as are the vast majority of administrators. Given all that, some community activists consider criticism of the hospital to be racist.

    Several county supervisors said they had received racist hate mail over the years whenever they had spoken out about problems at King/Drew.

    "They're just really, really, nasty, nasty letters," said Molina, a Latina who has been accused — falsely, she says — of wanting to change the name of the hospital to "Benito Juarez Medical Center," after the 19th century Mexican statesman and national hero.

    "There are some political leaders who look at everything through a racial context," Antonovich said. "But when you have political leaders using the race card to prop up inferior medical standards and inferior management, they are doing a disservice to the community."

    When supervisors talk about race-based criticism, one voice they cite is that of Ernie Smith, ombudsman for the Black Community Health Task Force, an influential grass-roots organization that is an advocate for African American interests at the hospital.

    An engaging man with a PhD in comparative culture from UC Irvine, Smith (no relation to Dr. Ernie Smith, a pediatric cardiologist quoted earlier in this series) is passionate and knowledgeable about the hospital, but couches his arguments in racially bombastic language.

    He has warned ominously about a Latino takeover of the hospital. In his lexicon, Garthwaite, the white physician who heads the county health department, is the "grand wizard," an allusion to the Ku Klux Klan. Police are "pigs" and "Rottweilers." King/Drew's African American administrators are establishment pawns, "old hog-maw and sauce-eatin' Negroes."

    Many people associated with the hospital insist that race is no longer a significant issue there, or that it is beside the point.

    "It's a hospital that's named after Dr. King, but it treats anyone who comes in the door," said former Assemblyman Roderick Wright.

    Dr. Xylina Bean, who heads the neonatal division at King/Drew, argues that the hospital and its patients have been the victims of class prejudice as much as racism.

    "It's based more in a concept that poor people do not deserve, just because they're poor, the same level of quality of care that the rest of the world requires," Bean said earlier this year at a community meeting. "You can call it racism if you want to, because it does tend to reflect upon specific people who just happen to be African American or just happen to be Hispanic."
  9. :eek:
  10. ElCubano


    man you got to have alot of patience in this world of ours...people just dont give a f**k about others ... i was in coral gables hospital ER after hurricane wilma and a kid came in with his mom and he had just gotten into a motorcycle accident..for whatever reason they just left him there on the floor with his mom screaming hysterical . I told her to call 911...this kid was buckled over in excrutiating pain and not one person even so much as looked at him. I have no idea why either...
    #10     Jun 14, 2007