Some questions about Options.

Discussion in 'Options' started by JForex78, Sep 12, 2019.

  1. JForex78


    Thats what I mean - exercise the Put - or sell the stock, after the dividend is paid.

    Btw, is there a good Options simulator out there?
    Where I could do these series of buying underlying, buying a Put, and see the results?
    #11     Sep 12, 2019

    #12     Sep 12, 2019
    JForex78 likes this.
  3. JForex78


    #13     Sep 12, 2019
  4. Also remember you have to have some intelligent opinion on the underlying stock when entering the option position. So in the example if you buy the $55 Call with the stock at $53 and it moves higher, it helps to have some sort of analysis on the underlying.

    Is there resistance at $60, was $58 a previous high, did the stock already move up a lot from $45 until now, is there a fundamental event on the horizon, is there some TA resistance or did it just break through support, etc.

    I think you will find this kind of underlying analysis will better guide you on when to close a position.
    #14     Sep 12, 2019