Some of my best advise/precautions to fellow traders

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Option Trader, Jun 11, 2006.

  1. Eloquently? I was thinking more on the lines of succinctly... Similar to "they post, but they don't think."

    #11     Jun 12, 2006
  2. Here's something I picked up from ET a few years ago.

    "A day trader and a daily trader are not necessarily the same thing."

    Some people will get it, others will not.
    #12     Jun 12, 2006
  3. That is a very wise statement. Something I picked up from ET a few months ago: there's a difference between a trader and an investor. Putting them together, daytrading IMO requires the most backtesting; if you haven't backtested well, (don't be a "daily trader" rather) be an investor.

    BTW, an example I heard about giving in relation to the afterworld:

    Everyone sits at the same banquet table opposite one another. We all have straight arms & and cannot partake of any food ourselves; all we could do is feed the one opposite us. Those of us who developed the attribute of giving will feed the one sitting opposite him, & will receive back. Those who didn't, will starve, and sit before the finest food in torture.

    The same applies here.
    #13     Jun 12, 2006