Some of IB's option quotes are wrong

Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers' started by ET180, Feb 7, 2018.

  1. ET180


    Order not getting filled even though I submitted the bid.

    Or even below the bid:

  2. I'm not showing any bid....though, also not showing any volume / open interest
  3. tommcginnis


    Bring up OptionTrader, guys -- there be no market where yous' is at.
  4. ET180


    I agree, I think those quotes are stale. But I would have figured that when I submit an order, it would at least cause the system to refresh the quote.
  5. FSU


    Also seeing no bid, ask at 1.05. You can see there is an issue as the quote your snapshot is showing is a locked market, 1 bid at 1 and 1 bid at .95
  6. Lee-


    The ASK I see is close to what you see (granted I'm seeing it nearly an hour later), but what should be the red flag is that the bid has crossed the ask in your screenshot. That pretty much tells you immediately that it's not real bid.
  7. zdreg


    those quotes are the same everywhere. it is not only at IB as the title of this thread is suggesting.
  8. ET180


    I'm not sure about other brokers although I could have checked TD. How is the title misleading? I simply said some of IBs option quotes are wrong and provided an example. It's not like I'm trying to smear IB. I've mentioned several times on this forum that overall I'm happy with IB. Just wish that they would fix this issue which I occasionally / rarely see.
  9. FSU


    I don't think it was misleading at all. I was seeing the correct quotes on all of my platforms.
  10. zdreg


    were you looking at the same quotes at the same time as the OP?
    #10     Feb 7, 2018