Some help with indentifying these indices (name and symbol)

Discussion in 'Trading' started by PushHands, Oct 22, 2002.

  1. I was reading Todd's Trading Thoughts at and today in his 8:58:09 AM writing he mentions some indicies that he tracks. I need to find the appropriate symbols on since almost all of the daily data I download is from there. Would you guys please confirm these symbols please and if incorrect point me to the correct ones.

    Todd's Comments yahoo symbol
    BKX (banks) ^BANK or ^BIX
    XBD (brokers) ^XBD
    Trannies ^DJT
    OSX (oil service) ^OSX
    DRG (drugs) ^DJUSRD
    BTK (biotechs) ^BTK
    CMR (consumers) ^CMR
    CYC (cyclicals) ^CYC

    I decided to post the entire indicies that Todd mentioned so that we can get a confirmation and so that others don't have to hunt the post down for a complete list of what Todd mentioned.
  2. They look okay for yahoo finance. Just be aware different data vendors list indices differently. For example, the oil service index may be listed as:


    depending on the vendor.
  3. The Symbols vary with different quote providers.

    Call your quote provider /firm for the exact symbols. What works for one is different with another

  4. m22au


    For Yahoo

    banks is ^bkx
    drugs is ^drg
  5. Thank you all for the clarification on the yahoo quotes.