Somali pirates hijack 3 more ships

Discussion in 'Politics' started by JDL, Apr 14, 2009.

  1. What about the 200 or 300 international hostages held on those shores? What about innocent Somalis?

    Perhaps you should get back to your video game. :p
    #11     Apr 14, 2009
  2. Actually you're not, US would rather lose a war than kill

    But the Iraq failure was not just one failure, the result, no country takes US seriously anymore, or at least not any more serious than say France

    A pathetic country like Iran succeeded at standing against the US, now US is bowing down to their will

    US should have carpet bombed both Iran and Iraq, and once it had killed 90% of their population, they could have easily taken over everything, but they didn't

    America used to be a country with balls but no brains, now it's a country with no balls and no brains

    The only hope in this world is Israel, they have both the brains and the balls, I hope they keep it that way
    #12     Apr 14, 2009
  3. You are well and truly an idiot: "Look Ma, no brains!"
    #13     Apr 14, 2009
  4. why because you're obama and you think people shouldn't be killed in war

    I trust obama, that he will give his stupid followers all that they deserve

    I hope it pays well to be as stupid as you
    #14     Apr 14, 2009
  5. Does your mother know you're on the internet?
    #15     Apr 14, 2009
  6. mom, bitch, what the fuck are you doing here? didn't I tell you to stop following me!
    #16     Apr 14, 2009
  7. JDL


    WTF is wrong with you, you want to kill 90% of there population for the acts of there leaders, you want the U.S. to act like hitler and wipe out an entire populations of innocent people.
    #17     Apr 14, 2009
  8. JDL


    this is what the world is concern about, what will happen if the u.s. or any other country attack the pirates, do we just let them die as we attack? what do the world do about this, there are so many people thinking there is an easy solution, don't think it as easy as people think, the real question is how the hell a bunch of poor people get these speed boats and guns in the first place and how they can afford them before they got those ramsons, there more behind the seen.
    #18     Apr 14, 2009
  9. There are no innocents in war. Some survive, some die. It's not any deeper than that. Is that fair? Nope! But it is what it is, and so long as those with a 7th century mentality have access to 21st century weaponry, there will be no peace.
    #19     Apr 14, 2009
  10. first off you do understand that you live in a dog eat dog world, and if you don't, in a few years you will

    second, the people living under a government are no better than their government, and in most cases even worse, so the mentality and in iran and iraq's case, the stupidity of the leaders, resembles the intense stupidity of it's people, these people had they been in power instead of any current leader they have, would have done worse. You think ahmadinigget is the worst person in that region? if so, you are fooling yourself, he's probably an angel compared to the average iranian, it's the average iranian who is proudly supporting him while he's riding their ass
    #20     Apr 14, 2009