Software with Best Scanning for Fundamental Criteria

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by shesatrader, Dec 2, 2018.

  1. Hello,

    Looking for the best software to create scans which include fundamental criteria (i.e. EPS % change 1 quarter back). I currently have TC2000 which includes fundamentals, but does not allow for fundamentals to be included in the PCF/scans. Any suggestions?

    Thank you!
  2. ZBZB


  3. Arnie


  4. drm7


    Portfolio 123 is incredibly good, although you need to subscribe to it. Not only does it screen on just about anything you can think of (along with custom formulas, such as 1 yr EPS growth/1 yr sales growth to name a non-sensical example), you can backtest those same screens.