Software to quickly look at stock charts.

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by amedhussaini, Mar 23, 2008.

  1. Anyone know of software that can rapidly comb through thousands of stock charts with a click of a button?

    Speed is important. The ability to simply "view all NYSE" stocks in alphabetical order would be key as well.
  2. Telechart as been around forever and was built to 'space bar' thru hundreds of charts. It also can slide show.
  3. thanks, i'll check it out.
  4. alex7


  5. I use MedVed QuoteTracker, when I flip through charts at EOD. They work fine during the day too, but speed is very dependant on your data provider, as QuoteTracker is only the front end(Ameritrade is my data feed).

    What I like, is I have several charts open at once, and pinned together. So I simply start typing a new symbol and a box appears, allowing me to finish typing the symbol. Press enter and all the charts that are "pinned" together flip to the new symbol.

    Not bad for a somewhat free piece of software. Your mileage may vary. There are some things not to like about QuoteTracker, but this feature is great.