I am looking for a good software to trade futures ( E-mini nasdaq and E-mini S&P). What would you reccomend ? I am thinking about E-signal but I am not sure. Thank you for your help Michal
Michal, I have been using eSignal/IB (paper trading only at this point) for the past 3 months for E-mini's. Runs on AMD 900 mhz with 3 monitors and DSL. No problems at all. I am completely satisfied. Also had to run it on 33k dialup line for a few days recently. Again, no problems. I used to use Real Tick and I am glad I made the swith. Costs about $90/mo (annual prepay).
i have been using eSignal/manfinancial for 2 years now, no problems whatsoever. eSignal is the most reliable and stable data service even under the worst conceivable connection conditions ... imo nevertheless, take a look at www.terranovatrading.com too ... regards wild
Czesc Michal Doswiadczeni gracze futures uwazaja ze najlepszy do futow Emini jest eSignal. Podobno jeszcze lepszy jest CQG, ale kosztuje 560 dol/miesiecznie. Qcharts ma problemy z jakoscia notowan, a NexTrend ma notowania opoznione o 1 sekunde w stosunku do eSignal. Poza tym ma gorsze narzedzia analizy technicznej. Jesli chodzi o brokera to wszyscy tu polecaja IB. Ma najnizsze prowizje i swietna ( ulepszana poprzez propozycje uczestnikow tego forum ) aplikacje do skladania zlecen TWS. Oprocz tego wazne jest aby Twoj provider internetowy mial lacze zagraniczne poprzez siec Ebone. W Polsce sa to firmy: Aster City, Internet Partners i Tele2. Aster City jest z nich najtanszy. DT-waw PS. That's a polish language Michal is a polish name, so it's easier to me to respond in our language.
Does anybody use MetaStock with eSignal data feed? How it works? Is it simple to create my own trading system with MetaStock? Thanks, DT-waw
michal, I am using nextrend for $79.95 a month. I wanted to use e-signal but it was too expensive since I am just starting out. So far I have had no problems with nextrend - I am using lots of charts (BB, STOCH, RSI, time and sales) and it is very flexible. I am also trading emini-s and they let you have realtime emini's for 6 months for free and then it is $10 a month. GaretJax
"they" means that the CME doesn´t charge an exchange fee for the next 6 months. ES & NQ real-time data are available for free from any data provider ... not just nextrend. wild
I use Q Charts for futures only. Great charting and pretty good reliability. Others have had major problems with their Level II and options data. Their customer service is awful, but how often do you need it. There is an active thread on silicon investor that addresses most issues. I would look at NexTrend as well. Never used them but had several talks with their service people and they are just unbelievably helpful. Issues with esig are charting and how far back you can get intrady data. I like to run 60 min charts back a ways and as I recall, they only make that data available for a few days. check it out, I may be wrong. also they limit how many symbols but that's not too big a deal for futures. I would advise going month to month on any of these services.
Generalnie dziala niezle. Czasami pada eSignal, ale na szczescie nie zdarza sie to zby czesto. Oczywiscie bardzo duzo zalezy od jakosci lacza internetowego. Co do tworzenia systemow w MS to jest to dosyc latwe. MS jest bardzo intuicyjnym programem. Niestety nie da sie wszystkiego zaprogramowac, lepszy w tej kwestii jest TradeStation ale i on ma wiele glupich ograniczen i trzeba kombinowac. Tak wiec wszystko zalezy od tego co ma byc w projektowanym systemie. PZDR PL-trader