software for charts

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by michal, Oct 20, 2001.

  1. michal



    I use eSignal as data vandor.
    I am looking for a good software for charting.

    I would be grateful for any suggestions.

  2. neo_hr


    My dear Fellow :)

    As far as I can say from my modest experience NOTHING beats RealTick III. Course, except its price which is like 300$/mo except if you use it with some brokerage that offers a rebate after this-and-that many trades.

    Cheaper opetio : ENSIGN

    My favourite and they offer eSIGNAL data input (real time that is) like 120$/mo

    RavenQuote is supposed to be good but it uses feed and I have heard some bad rewiews about the reliability.

    Another place to look is and in the upper link section there is one named TradingSoftware. You may want to check it out.

    Good luck and all the best

    P.S. I dont get it, why not just use ESignal s charting package? :D
  3. wild


    what´s wrong with eSignal´s charting package ?

    if you´re not satisfied take a look at "third party software" in eSignal´s "tool box"

    or go to


  4. tntneo

    tntneo Moderator

    well, basically it sucks.
    the feed is good. and I use it. but their default charting is really a joke. there is no auto rescaling or even refresh to keep track of the chart while time passes. it is not readable etc.. the list is very long.
    But, this is no disrespect to eSignal. They do it on purpose. You can use several software or systems for charting using their feed. they even promote some themselves (AdvancedGet or Ensign). You can use eAscTrend, FibonnaciTrader and many others..
    eSignal is a data feed and quote display, that's it. but it does that well. charting you have to manage extra.

  5. Thought you had MetaStock? It works well for me.
  6. Phreedm


    Good Morning,
    For what its worth I have been using a simple charting program called "Sierra Charts". Their data feed comes from Track Date Corp.
    After 4 months I am very pleased with them. Their Technical Assistance is via a message board, but the response time is very fast.
    At the risk of getting blasted for not remembering how to post a link here, I'll just give you their address.

    That was tough, eh? :p
  7. toby400


    The Sierra Chart package is low cost and has a lot to offer when compared to the more expensive packages.

    I use it to trade the UK and US markets.

    However, the company is seeking additional data providers. At the time of writing I believe they are considering data from Interactive Brokers in the US.
  8. Splat


    Before coming across this thread, I have found everyone
    raving about Esignal 7.0. I was planning to go for the
    'RealTime' package +7.0 SW in a few weeks. Which version of
    esignal are you talking about?


  9. H2O



    I use fibonacciTrader (It's eSignal certified) Take a look at their website and PM me if you want more info. I do have 1 package for sale. (Used to have 2 and want to keep 1)

  10. Lancer


    RE: "Before coming across this thread, I have found everyone raving about Esignal 7.0."

    Regarding eSignal 7.0, I'm with tntneo and the non-ravers. I found it very disappointing. Maybe if software developers actually traded, then they'd understand what's important.

    Here's another charting option not yet mentioned that may be worth looking into. I've not tried it, but the developer has emailed me a couple times about recent improvements. It uses eSignal data.


    #10     May 19, 2002