Software Engineering/Programming

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by forextrades, Jan 3, 2009.

  1. Is it a good field to get into anymore?

    I have a BS in Construction Management and an AAS in Computer Science. I'm a construction project manager right now, but I'm a little bored with it. The money is good, but I'm on call all the time.

    I was thinking of completing a BS in CompSci or Software Engineering. I'm familiar with Java and C#, but need to work on my C++ skills. However, I'm a little worried about outsourcing.

    According to the BLS, programming jobs are supposed to decrease by 4% within the next 10 years. However, software engineering jobs are expected to be one of the best in terms of job growth. That doesn't make much sense to me. I always assumed programmers and software engineers do pretty much the same thing.

    In the future, will computer programmers be similar to auto-mechanics? Will there be very little money for what was once a highly sought-after skill?

    Your thoughts?
  2. Software engineers are usually the programming team leaders. They envision what the program should do. They might also design the structure of the code.

    The programmers just grind out the code.
  3. mr19


    I have both a BS in CS and a MS in SE. SE was nice to have but no where near as useful as the CS degree. Most companies out there do not employ any SE process methodology -- at least none as extensive as taught in academia.

    That being said, I believe a CS degree is extremely useful -- especially if combined with a background/degree in another field where that CS skill set can be applied to give you an edge.

    As far as straight programming job, I believe those will still be available, especially in the financial industry where outsourcing may not be as prevalent when developing proprietary software.
  4. .NET has made it so easy that even Indians can do it, thus so much outsourcing going on.

    Next generation of U.S. financial developers/programmers need to know know financial very well in addition to programming.

    Yes, SE are mostly leaders. Software methodologies get much "hype" but they are really used to document for outsourcing the work out.

    Any hedge fund, or financial, that are making $ are not using any software methodology. They have well paid senior soft eng and develoers that know the system inside out. Do you think they are going to outsource to some 3rd world country that will steal the trading algorithms.
  5. It is a good field, but only if you have the following:

    a decent CS school and a high GPA.

    In other words, think "Rutgers", not "what is the name of your school again?" and 3.35/4.00+