
Discussion in 'Politics' started by colonial dr, Oct 8, 2012.


  1. I like socialism

    10 vote(s)
  2. I hate socialism

    20 vote(s)
  1. October 10, 2012

    SouthAmerica: Losers from the perspective of the "Ownership Society" here in the old USA - end Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid - and keep only the Ben Bernanke welfare state and give away to the gamblers of Wall Street.

    Let's put everything on number 36 and let the roulette give you the biggest thrill of your life - just hope for the best!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That's how a sound capitalist system should work according to the Republicans and Wall Street.

    Here is a victory of an American Boogieman.

    According to Wall Street and the US government: the old system before Hugo Chavez came to power was a much better system since a few people at the top of the Venezuelan government lined up their pockets and the remaining oil revenue was sent to the New York Banks to be gambled away.

    And now Hugo Chavez has the balls to use that money to help the poor people in Venezuela with a new educational system, clinics to help the poor with their helthcare needs, and for the first time the Venezuelan population has access to food at supermarkets at subsidized prices that they can afford.

    21st Century Socialism: Anti-poverty course behind Chavez victory – October 8, 2012

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    Polar opposites: Will Chavez worship beat Capriles promises? - October 7, 2012

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    By the way, I asked a few people in Brazil about what they think about the Hugo Chavez victory in Venezuela, and I have been told by the Brazilians that nobody pays any attention to Venezuela or Chavez in Brazil.

    And they laugh about the American obsession that the United States government has about Hugo Chavez.

    Americans are always looking for a new Boogieman.

    #11     Oct 10, 2012
  2. .

    Hollande to ban homework, but kids can't vote – October 9, 2012

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    While many nations are forcing children to study longer and longer, France's new Socialist government wants to demand less from their schoolchildren. France's young students already have Wednesdays off, more vacation than their Western counterparts and often a 2-hour lunch break. But the cost is a school day that often doesn't end until 5 or 6pm.

    #12     Oct 10, 2012
  3. You have a mental illness and you are a socialist. I come back here to read the options journal I like, and to see what losers like you have responded.

    I have earned all of my money myself. I trade. Imagine that......a trader on a trader forum. :eek:

    Keep spending your entire day posting videos and articles nobody cares about. What are you going to do the day before you die and the USA is still the most powerful and wealthiest country in history?
    #13     Oct 10, 2012
  4. Yannis



    The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.

    The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away. Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed. The grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold.

    MORAL OF THE OLD STORY: Be responsible for yourself!

    The ant works hard in the withering heat and the rain all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away. Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while he is cold and starving.

    CBS, NBC , PBS, CNN and ABC show up to provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper next to a video of the ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food. America is stunned by the sharp contrast. How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?

    Kermit the Frog appears on Oprah with the grasshopper and everybody cries when they sing, 'It's Not Easy Being Green...' ACORN stages a demonstration in front of the ant's house where the news stations film the group singing, We shall overcome. Then Rev. Jeremiah Wright has the group kneel down to pray for the grasshopper's sake. President Obama condemns the ant and blames President Bush, President Reagan, Christopher Columbus, and the Pope for the grasshopper's plight. Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid exclaim in an interview with Larry King that the ant has gotten rich off the back of the grasshopper, and both call for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his fair share. Finally, the EEOC drafts the Economic Equity & Anti-Grasshopper Act retroactive to the beginning of the summer.

    The ant is fined for failing to hire a proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the Government Green Czar and given to the grasshopper.

    The story ends as we see the grasshopper and his free-loading friends finishing up the last bits of the ant's food while the government house he is in, which, as you recall, just happens to be the ant's old house, crumbles around them because the grasshopper doesn't maintain it.

    The ant has disappeared in the snow, never to be seen again.

    The grasshopper is found dead in a drug related incident, and the house, now abandoned, is taken over by a gang of spiders who terrorize and ramshackle the once prosperous and peaceful neighborhood.

    The entire Nation collapses bringing the rest of the free world with it.

    Be careful how you vote in 2012!!!

    :) :) :)
    #14     Oct 10, 2012
  5. pspr


    There are a fair number of grasshoppers here on ET. And winter is a comin'. :D
    #15     Oct 10, 2012
  6. October 11, 2012

    SouthAmerica: Reply to “nouveau riche” colonial dr

    You are obviously a “nouveau riche” (People who have recently acquired wealth, typically those perceived as ostentatious or lacking in good taste), otherwise you would not be on the Elite Trader Forums broadcasting to the world that you were able to make a few bucks.

    The fact that you need to broadcast to world that you managed to make a few dollars shows that you are a low class individual – by the way, you must be the type who wears gold chains around your neck and a bunch of jewelery on your fingers to show that you have some money.

    I can picture your type and your bad manners in restaurants and other public places always letting people know that you have a few bucks.

    You might have a few bucks, but you have absolutely no class.

    #16     Oct 11, 2012