Socialism just doesn't work, ever

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Fractals 'R Us, Oct 23, 2008.

  1. pattersb2

    pattersb2 Guest

    they have just not practiced it correctly ....... DUH
    #31     Oct 23, 2008
  2. pattersb2

    pattersb2 Guest

    i'd rather starve due to my own inaction, thank you very much
    #32     Oct 23, 2008
  3. Reagan famously said Latinos are Republicans, they just don't know it yet

    Joe the plumber is "Black", he just doesn't know it yet. you heard it here first
    #33     Oct 23, 2008
  4. pattersb2

    pattersb2 Guest

    #34     Oct 23, 2008
  5. Cuba has more doctors per capita than many OECD countries...
    Sure, they get told where to work etc - and all cows belong to the state ...
    They also have free dental care and medical care all their life. I wouldn't like to be Cuban though... I was there in the mid 1990s, and friendlier/safer people I have never met anywhere I have travelled. It is also one of the few countries in the world where you can safely hitch a ride nowadays. Truckers are even obliged to pick up hitchers.

    The following are improving - from admittedly very bad conditions before - most of them former US-backed dictatorships:
    China are pretty socialist too - and they seem to be doing pretty good - economics wise. Brazil is also very socialist - also doing spectacular. Venezuela doing pretty good as well... Bolivia is on the path to major reforms - improving democratic rights as well.

    Sure, they do some things that I think are not "optimal" - but I recognize that they are improving their situations, and the life of their populations.

    The Nordic countries (now perhaps except Iceland) are all rich European countries - and social democracies like most of Europe. They were not huge battle grounds for Soviet or US influence - but were able to stay fairly neutral. Finland has consistently the best schooling system in the world.
    #35     Oct 23, 2008
  6. Gord


    Socialism by itself does not work. All socialist countries are subsidized by the US. If they had to put the equivalent amount of money into their own defense and contribute to security in the world they would all be bankrupt. America spreads democracy and bankrolls its defense. Euroweenie socialist countries suck the American tit and then put up roadblocks at places like the UN, WTO, etc. Show me one socialist country in Europe that wouldn't come running to the US for help if it was attacked!

    Socialism... [​IMG]
    #36     Oct 23, 2008
  7. Gord,
    Ukraina, Germany, France and the UK can all pretty much hold their own.
    Sure - Russia is a huge neighbour - but they are not a direct threat any longer.

    I want to see how brainwashed you guys really are...
    1. I guess you can easily list "enemies of the US"...
    2. Who defined them as "enemies of the US"?
    3. What enemies are there of Europe?
    4. What enemies do China, Australia, Brazil, Argentina etc have?
    5. Why are they defined as enemies - what makes the country an enemy?
    6. What stops making them enemies?
    7. Is it possible to redefine relationships with these countries?
    8. What are you doing to improve relations with these countries?
    #37     Oct 23, 2008
  8. Gord


    I don't consider the UK socialist. As for the others, you must be joking... [​IMG]
    #38     Oct 23, 2008
  9. Gord,
    I guess you hold the Labour government to be some kind of right wing political party then.... LOL!

    I think you are just clueless about European politics - it seems more likely... :p

    The countries I listed are also all nuclear powers... hello?
    #39     Oct 23, 2008
  10. Because the US is chocking Cuba to an economical death. In spite of that, no one sleeps hungry. Also Higher education and medical care are free. Can you say that about the US???

    It is easy to come up with stupid and empty clichés but facts are facts Monkey.

    how long did it get the greatest aggressor on earth to fix New Orleans?
    #40     Oct 23, 2008