Social distancing on planes

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by SanMiguel, May 14, 2020.

  1. SanMiguel


    Empty middle seats - that's some special kind of stupid.
    The seat behind is just as close, you have to walk past people to go to the toilet.
    Like seriously, wtf. Seems more like a marketing gimmick.
  2. Metamega


    I can’t wrap my head around it. Guess it’s a feel good thing?

    Theirs no way to keep an airport/plane virus free. Just too many people and shared surfaces. Get on the plane everyone touching same spots, bathrooms. Plus the ventilation is crap.
  3. maxinger


    at least I don't have to worry about plus plus size people sitting beside me.
    ElCubano likes this.
  4. mlawson71


    Exactly. The ventilation alone would need a complete overhaul.
  5. Overnight


    It's funny. All planes have oxygen masks that can drop in front of people at the push of the button from the cockpit. Couldn't they adapt them to give fresh air, and simply switch over to O2 if there is a true emergency?
  6. ElCubano


    Does the mask prevent you giving others your cooties or not? Walk in with a box full of wipeys and make it work.
  7. maxinger


    that oxygen cannot last for the duration of the flight.
    it can last for few minutes only.
  8. Overnight


    It's not that it has to be O2. It can be fresh bleed air from the outside until the O2 from the tanks are needed.
  9. SanMiguel


  10. vanzandt


    The air goes through HEPA filters. The same type that are used in operating rooms.
    To maintain cabin pressure at cruise, pressurized engine bleed air from outside is mixed on a 50/50 basis.
    In an hour on typical modern plane, it passes through the filter about 30 times. That means every 2 minutes it hits those filters. That also means about every 4 minutes you are breathing completely new air.

    HEPA filters trap viruses.

    I'd be more worried about the various surfaces.
    #10     May 15, 2020
    CaptainObvious likes this.