So When will police learn to do things properly?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by El OchoCinco, Jun 15, 2020.

  1. Cuddles


    You shouldn't curse, play stupid games, win stupid for life from brain damage.

    On a serious note, is this one of those podunk county "laws" that violate the 1st amendment?
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2020


    Officers did a great job.

    They are being harassed, threatened, and interfered with.

    These epic losers need a life.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2020

  3. You did not see the video because of your comments. The 3 guys were standing far away and staying out of the way with their cell phones. There really was not any audible cursing that was warranted to be beaten down and arrested.

    So since the officers were not being interfered with we all know you are full of shit.

  4. Watch the video and tell me if the cops were warranted for walking all the way over to beat up the guy with the cell phone.


    They injected themselves into the arrest by cursing filming harassing and effectively became a third party to this whole ordeal.

    it is in fact interference with the arrest because by you yapping your mouth now you're influencing the person that they're trying to arrest and inciting possible resistance.

    you don't have a right to harass cops while they're trying to make an arrest sorry doesn't work that way

    Just like I can't walk into Target and start harassing a cashier by filming him or her and cursing. Guess what would happen if I did that? they would call the cops. How ironic
  6. Cuddles


    it was sarcasm, of course the cops are scum
    El OchoCinco likes this.
  7. elderado


    All we need is to elect more Democrats!

    Tsing Tao, Clubber Lang, DTB2 and 2 others like this.
  8. Snarkhund


    [​IMG] Its time for ED-209.
    El OchoCinco likes this.

  9. No one is this silly....

    They were out in public..not running into a Target to video someone...

    I know you hate video because it catches shitty cops abusing their power but then you get all these videos of cops slapping people for no reason to FAP over...

    It is NOT interference with arrest so stop MAKING SHIT UP. They were not arrested for "interfering" so how is that BULLSHIT working for you?

    Cop who do it got fired....he needs another line of work because we should no have cops who are pussies that need to beat down people.

    Filming is legal dumbass
    #10     Jun 15, 2020