So what do the Liberals do now that Saddam is captured?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Maverick74, Dec 14, 2003.

  1. You look like a REAL lady's man~!

    :D :D :D
    #191     Dec 19, 2003
  2. Maverick74


    I think you know who that is and it's not me. LOL.
    #192     Dec 19, 2003
  3. surf,

    Our society, like most, is filled with followers, people who cannot or will not think for themselves.

    In the world of advertising, it is commonly understood that repetition is a most effective tool. Marketing experts know that if you keep repeating a phrase, or idea, people gradually become to accept it....or get hooked on it.

    It is also a psychological fact that people are naturally attracted to someone who is effusing confidence and certainty.

    That is why confidence men, con men, can continue to have success time and time again by lying. They continue to tell people lies, but do it with confidence, and someone who is weak will begin to believe them.

    Men know this with women, just keep asking them out, and do it with charm and confidence....and most of the time it works.

    Do you understand the psychological principles behind these behavioral phenomena?

    It is a rather lengthy subject, but suffice it to say that repetition, and confidence are methods used very successfully to convince a person who is lacking the ability to think critically and independently.

    So, if you examine what the right wing has done in the past 10 to 15 years or so, with Rush, Hannity, Coulter, etc. leading the way with this technology, you will see certain practices used.

    These practices, or technology, are most effective when the audience is in a state of fear, uncertainty, or confusion.

    When an uncertain, fearful, or confused person hears a strong voice speaking with full certainty...they are naturally they too want to feel certainty, fearlessness, and free from confusion.

    So along comes the pundit/preacher/demagogue who preaches with a fire and brimstone certainty that liberals are wrong, that conservatism has all the answers, that God is on the side of the conservative, that liberals are Godless, immoral, etc.

    You get the picture. The weak minded will not listen to the evidence to come to their own conclusion, but rather they become ditto brains adopting the mentality of their chosen "leader."

    This is why when you try to engage those people practicing Hannityism/Rushism/Coulterism, they quickly bring the discussion to levels of personal attack, name calling, making the issue black and white, with their side being right simply because they say it is right, or they "feel" it is right so strongly, etc.

    Most intelligent people can see right through this technology, but many are so doped up by television, the media, etc. to see what is happening.

    I tuned into Sean Hannity today, and he had on a guest who was playing Santa Claus and calling children.

    The person playing Santa Claus said he was a conservative, and he still gives presents to children of liberals, because it is not their fault that their parents are liberals.

    This attempt to brainwash a child at such an early age to think in this manner is truly unAmerican in my opinion.

    It is similar to what they do with communism, fascism, and has nothing to do with educating a child to think independently and make decisions for themselves, but that is what we have de-evolved into.

    #193     Dec 19, 2003
  4. good points, rogue. however, one is attracted to beliefs they already hold. i don't believe there is any dark forces at work here, just showmen pandering to an audience. an audience that already existed, not one created by the showmen--as you seem to believe.


    #194     Dec 19, 2003
  5. I don't think you truly understand the way the mind works surf, and how impressionable and weak minded most people truly are.

    #195     Dec 19, 2003
  6. Maverick74


    ART, you can say the exact same thing about Al Franken and Michael Moore and others on the left. What about the brainwashing from the liberal elite media over the last 50 years. See this is why your arguement doesn't hold any water because your assuming only the right does this. Therein lies the problem with your theory.
    #196     Dec 19, 2003
  7. i understand what you are saying, and i understand how the mind works---HOWEVER, what you are saying is conspiratory in nature and has nothing to do with "weak minded americans". yes, "weak minded americans" are unfortunately probably the majority, BUT there is no plot or conspiracy to control them by the "right wing". you are giving showmen way too much credit. my grandmother use to tell me that the commies controled the beatles and not to get cable TV since "they" can watch you thru the cable. your reasoning is bordering on the same crevice as my grandmothers---god rest her soul.

    #197     Dec 19, 2003
  8. Maverick74


    Waggie, did you tell the moderator to yank my phone number and address from this thread? And here I thought you were a tough guy willing to stand up to the heat. I guess not.
    #198     Dec 19, 2003

  9. yo bro,

    is that really you in the photo ?? you could be waxies twin OR moby's brother.


    #199     Dec 19, 2003
  10. you have to ask? The next fight this san fran fruitcake is in will be his first.
    #200     Dec 19, 2003