So, now do the sheeople believe we are in a Depression?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by EMRGLOBAL, Sep 5, 2011.

  1. morganist

    morganist Guest

    The only people who know what is going on would not touch it with a barge poll. There is no way they can benefit from it. They cannot succeed so they will just get their reputation ruined. Lose lose.
    #21     Sep 5, 2011
  2. Bob111


    very true..the general public and most politicians are not going to like the steps that are needed,not even today,but yesterday. teachers and their unions protests over freezing or reduced rates of their salaries are great example. nobody even try to reduce the salaries or benefits,they talking about reducing the rise rates from 6% every year(while private sector salaries are flat for a decades) to fucking 4%.
    look how pissed these teachers are about that....the levels of self fishiness and ignorance of the general public are unreal
    #22     Sep 5, 2011
  3. With a big thanks to information technologies. Should IT not developped in the 80's, China growth would have been much lower. The development wave went from Japan, to taiwan then China. Do you remember 20 years ago, everything was made in taiwan?
    #23     Sep 6, 2011
  4. I can understand why you may say Stagflation .

    And if you look across the board, the prior definition of "DEPRESSION" does not fit this "new age Depression" or the "Modern Depression" spot on. There are some things that are different.

    But nevertheless, IMHO, it's a depression and just the start.

    Soon Currency Wars will begin. The SWISS made the First move last night with the Franc.

    The US will no longer be able to export it's inflation. And yes, I said Inflation during a Depression. Most prices have devalued except for Food/Energy. Thus, Food and Energy could triple if the currency wars spread and other major currencies are weaken by their governments.

    So, we could have 23% unemployment, Big ticket and small Ticket prices slashed by 80% but massive inflation with Food & Energy.
    And a possible crash of the US dollar.

    End result could be similar to Venezuela. Including a total take over by the FED gov and nationalization of Farms, Production, Energy, the name of "Public Good". The first move is the "Infrastructure Jobs plan Obama is going to speak about".

    There is nothing new under the sun. What is happening has happen to countries before US. The end result is not certain but we do have an idea of where it may lead.

    What follows currency wars can be Real Wars among Nations.
    #24     Sep 6, 2011
  5. Only 12 posts and you've made my IGNORE list. Not because you're a moonbat, bigot and a jerk like most who make my list (hope not, at least).. but you've already demonstrated you know nothing... so no sense in listening to anything else you have to say.
    #25     Sep 6, 2011
  6. Bloomberg TV has gone down the tubes.

    I'm about to turn it off forever....the sound like CNBC now, nothing but pundits with to much emotion around their reporting as if they have anything at stake. Not reporting via facts but opinion.

    #26     Sep 6, 2011
  7. I knew we were heading for another (bigger) dip when the Dow hit 12,000 and unemployment in my home state only dropped by 1% since 2009 (among other factors).
    #27     Sep 6, 2011
  8. Nine_Ender


    Obviously you don't even know what a Depression is. Honestly, its embarrassing to read this crap. How much do you think GDP is going down this year ? 12% ???
    #28     Sep 6, 2011
  9. Nine_Ender


    EMRGLOBAL is obviously insane. It seems that neither EMRGLOBAL nor yourself want to face that uncomfortable truth.
    #29     Sep 6, 2011
  10. morganist

    morganist Guest

    Actually a recession or depression is measured by period of negative growth. It does not have to be a huge reduction in output but for a long period of time.
    #30     Sep 6, 2011