So I’m working on a project

Discussion in 'Technical Analysis' started by Smart Money, May 5, 2024.

  1. %%
    SOUNDS fine with me;
    i collect some ETFs dividends +dividends off some money market in Roth IRA.
    NOT likely they they get 25-35% in a down\trending bear market.
    Maybe fine , unless one buys an ''oversold '' bargain like what Larry ''Mint'' Hite calls a '' buggy whip co'' LOL:D:D OOPS\ dont need those anymore.
    Good work.
    #11     May 6, 2024
    countryBoy641 likes this.
  2. I hear you, but I’m not so sure the market is down trending as of the last few days. I was bearish until the last couple of days based on my own read of the market. Not saying I’m right, but the bull is emerging.

    My logic is that Higher dividend stocks might be safer to play bullish with since there’s still some fear in the market. The bulk of my method is to make money by buying and selling.
    #12     May 6, 2024
  3. There’s the rub. For years I was uncomfortably over leveraged in local real estate. Even after my net worth climbed due to the housing shortage I was still hurting. Now my cash flow has finally righted the ship.
    #13     May 6, 2024
  4. Read that again. :)

    Looking for one or two guys that want to collaborate on testing/playing this strategy. And no, I don’t want your money. I want ideas and participation.
    #14     May 11, 2024
  5. For "Divi" stocks, I figure there's little upside to re-inventing the wheel.
    So I go right to the JD Rock stocks.
    As far as I can tell, his equities are still in the same business model
    as when the man was alive (1839-1938)
    Can't think of another similar stock (GE, F, etc).
    Rock Sr. was a genius, but his genius was masked by one of the worst of human vices: jealousy.
    It felt so good to hate the man, it was a fad that lasted many decades.
    That raw emotion (vice) still exists today.
    (the Mr. Burns in the Bugatti Royale, "the Simpsons" cartoon show)
    As Jay Leno famously quips:
    "That's the kind of car Rich People use to drive over Poor People".
    I've been to Rock's house (Kykuit designed by JD Jr's architect.).
    The only car he had in the garage was a Pierce Arrow (a very upscale competitor to Rolls Royce and much less pretentious to the Bugatti Royale).

    Here's 50 years mostly of bear market for oil. (the deflationary trend of 1982-2020)
    The quarterly MACD barely went negative that whole time.
    That is bull market strength.
    My allocation for these 2 stocks is pretty much even.
    I like them both.
    $35K/year in DIVIs.
    The "greenies" can pound sand.
    Life will go on without them (if necessary).
    And I have a nephew who is getting a PhD in that stuff.
    (Micro-Plastics in the ocean.)
    Real nice kid, but totally brainwashed.
    Good luck with that.

    CVX_50 years.jpg

    xom 50 years.jpg

    Last edited: May 12, 2024
    #15     May 12, 2024
  6. George Carlin (RIP) on Global Warming:

    #16     May 12, 2024
  7. 2rosy


    You're assuming you can predict the future
    #17     May 12, 2024
  8. Sprout


    35% roi seems like the lowest bar for a trader to aim for, don't know about your particular strategy though
    #18     May 12, 2024
  9. I look at it like this: It’s not predicting the future, it’s paying attention closely to the right things and noting the first clues that something is happening before most people notice it. But sometimes, something can happen that changes the outcome midstream.

    Folks love to bag on TA. That’s OK. Truth is there are very few observable phenomena that can be used to estimate the strength of a trend or the first edges of a change in sentiment and anything beyond the next few bars is more of a guess.
    #19     May 12, 2024
  10. perhaps. I’m a swing trader and too scared to quit my day job to consider other time frames. But the 35% doesn’t require dangerous leverage and it’s pretty reliable.
    #20     May 12, 2024