smaller spreads

Discussion in 'Trading' started by cashmoney69, Mar 1, 2006.

  1. In the past years, the markets have moved to decimalization reducing the spread size


    bid ask
    23 1/4 23 13/50 spread = .01

    is the same as

    bid ask
    23.25 23.26 spread = .01

    unless I did the math wrong, everything seems the same to me. So how does this make things any different?
  2. Sashe


    how about good ole

    23 1/4 x1 /2

    or 23 1/4 x 3/8

    or worst case
    23 1/4 x 5/16

    never seen 13/50 before
  3. ya, me neither....:p
  4. all im trying to say here is that fractions have equivlant decimal numbers.
  5. MTE


    And what others are trying to tell you is that none of the instruments traded in 1/50 or other "weird" fractions.

    Trading is/was done in 1/4, 1/8 and etc. and 1/4 is 0.25, which is far from 0.01.