Sleeping with Naked Options

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by zdreg, May 24, 2023.

  1. zdreg


    How do traders with naked calls in Nvdia sleep tonight.
    How do trader with naked puts in Snowflakes sleep tonight.?
  2. maxinger


    Take sleeping pills to go through the agonising sleep.

    Then tomorrow add more naked call and naked put positions.
    Last edited: May 24, 2023
  3. tomas262


    roll the steamroller into further expiration
    jys78 likes this.
  4. zdreg


    why? Taking losses is a hallmark of a good trader.
    Last edited: May 24, 2023
    jys78 likes this.
  5. jys78


    Same as any other position. Don't be stupid about it when you put it on. Plan the trade and trade the plan.

    Being short NVDA calls naked into earnings in any size relative to your overall port would count as stupid.
    Flynrider likes this.
  6. DeMurph


    One thing i learned from forex is to not be emotional and don't let emotion to take your control. we need to stay stable.
    jys78 likes this.
  7. When market opens at 9:30 is that when you cash out on the overnight short positions?
  8. KCalhoun


    I sleep with naked women instead. :D
    jys78, TheDawn and maxinger like this.
  9. ETJ


    Adequate capital so you can adjust. Spreads instead of outright naked, but risk adjusted performance needs to be considered vs. not sleeping.
    Keep in mind that multiple listed options are fairly efficient - so the returns reflect the risk. Don't assume the horrible event won't happen.
    Flynrider, spy and Lord Darkseid like this.
  10. maxinger


    Not a good idea.

    When you wake up the next day,

    your wallet will be naked.
    #10     May 24, 2023
    TheDawn and KCalhoun like this.