Slander and Fraud concerning my Account

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Nine_Ender, Sep 20, 2011.

  1. <b>You are not short at 1341.50; that's a lie!
    #41     Feb 8, 2012
  2. 02-11-12
    bwolinsky states:
    'This is a lie.You don't make a "Apple crash" call if you're not saying you shouldn't be in it or go short.'

    Like Nine_Ender you also conflate TA analysis with trading.
    This demonstrates intentional malicious conduct and/or appalling ignorance by yourself.
    I made no AAPL trade recommendation - short or long.
    It will crash eventually but there is no sell signal at present.

    BTW I didn't know you're a stockbroker like bhardy307.
    Are your clients aware of how you conduct yourself on public forums ?
    There seem to be a few brokers on ET with a long only bias and no TA knowledge.
    Not a good recipe in a long term bear market.
    And we all know how brokers earn money - via sales commission.
    Not trading...

    [disclosure as per - no AAPL position held]
    #42     Feb 15, 2012
  3. Feb 11 2012

    I never suggested shorting AAPL which is clear for all to see.
    As mentioned before - you repeatedly conflate TA analysis with actual trades.
    You do it intentionally but the question is why ?
    You're an obsessive stalker and pathological liar as other ET members have also discovered.
    Apart from being an embittered troll what is your motive for behaving this way ?
    I should disclose that a friend who's a consultant psychologist is fascinated by your pathological trolling and cyber-stalking.
    She blogs about this stuff and no longer waits for updates from myself, but now reads your posts directly so I can have you on ignore when I want.
    So now she gives me updates on your conduct.
    The psych wants to know if you've heard of mythomania - borderline personality disorder - histrionic personality disorder - if you've received psychotherapy as an adult - and if you're divorced how many marriages have you had ?
    Can you help her out please ?

    WARNING: Nine_Ender / bc1 / bhardy307 are stalkers and sockpuppets.
    #43     Feb 15, 2012
  4. Please note I did not initiate the conflict with Nine_Ender.
    Nine_Ender is solely responsible as he/she chose to troll my threads and stalk me.
    Stalkers are creepy and need help.
    #44     Feb 16, 2012
  5. I am an investment advisor and commodity trading advisor. I do not benefit in any way from commission nor am I compensated for it. My only goal is management fees and performance based fees if the investor qualifies as an accredited investor.
    #45     Feb 16, 2012
  6. Brokerage / management fees / commissions...
    Stockbrokers / investment advisors...
    I'm not interested in semantics.
    We all know how brokers obtain income and it's not from trading their own account.
    Case closed.

    P.S. are your clients aware of how you conduct yourself on public forums ?

    Please note I did not initiate conflict with bwolinsky.
    bwolinsky is solely responsible as he/she chose to troll my threads and stalk me.
    #46     Feb 16, 2012
  7. You are an idiot. You don't know a fucking thing about this industry. So shut the fuck up!

    Brokers receive commissions. Investment Advisors receive fees as do commodity trading advisors. You know nothing about trading or the financial industry, and this proves it.
    <b>Case Closed!
    #47     Feb 16, 2012
  8. The "conflict" is your lack of responsibility and personal sense of accountability and mostly about your immaturity. You are a frequent poster in the forums, and make stupid calls on a regular basis.

    You don't use any quantitative logic than meaningless chart formations such as double tops that have no predictive value, and the reason I know you aren't familiar with quantitative definitions is because you don't discuss anything "quantitative." No quantitative definitions of your charts or algorithms, and not even a cursory examination of fundamentals before you post threads like "The Apple Crash" when Apple's at $420 per share and it goes to $526 then pretend that you know something when you don't know anything.

    You also don't know the difference between an investment advisor and a broker or a commodity trading advisor and an introducing broker. These terms anyone around trading should already know the difference in how they're compensated, and you don't.

    I can stand to be told that I'm churning trades for commission, but I don't receive commission and that's not how I'm compensated. Since you don't understand also that the fundamental issue between brokers and investment advisors is the sales commission, and I don't charge anything to make trades, but do typically charge monthly or quarterly fees and performance to accredited investors. I don't get anything from commission and this proves how naive you are and how clueless you've become in these forums when people aren't attacking you because you're posting or you are who you are but because you make these attrocious calls with little or no sound logic and even if you wanted to say well there's a double top any asset manager knows those aren't profitable ways to time markets, and if you want proof watch Apple go higher, and S&P to 1360, first before it ever even makes it back to break even.

    I have a facebook page with hundreds of trades autoposting to twitter. I'd been making them for the World Cup Trading Championships and since they're autotweeted you can see everything I'm doing without worrying about whether those are my trades I say I'm doing than what I'm actually doing because that's it. The trades I've made are all there, and it's been a really good year for me.

    PS I bet you didn't make $870 on 1 trade in TF yesterday!
    #48     Feb 16, 2012
  9. newwurldmn


    Same questions to you. Do the 10 followers of your blOg no how you conduct yourself on public forums?
    #49     Feb 16, 2012
  10. bwolinsky,
    Like Nine_Ender you repeatedly conflate TA analysis with actual trades.
    This demonstrates intentional malicious conduct and/or appalling ignorance by yourself.
    I made no AAPL trade recommendation - short or long.
    It will crash eventually but there is no sell signal at present.
    P.S. are your clients aware of how you conduct yourself on public forums ?

    [disclosure as per - no AAPL position held]

    Brokerage / management fees / commissions...
    Stockbrokers / investment advisors...
    I'm not interested in semantics.
    We all know how brokers obtain income and it's not from trading their own account.
    Case closed.

    Please note I did not initiate conflict with bwolinsky.
    bwolinsky is solely responsible as he/she chose to troll my threads and stalk me.
    #50     Feb 16, 2012