
Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by plumlazy, Mar 6, 2004.

  1. Looks like there might be a pretty malicious virus cruising the net this morning. Might want to tighten up firewall settings. The following (taken from my firewall event logs) was blocked by my firewall.
    As you can see it has come from two different pc's. A pc with a name like *ENJOY* might be the originator.

    Time, Event, Intruder, Count
    5/6/2004 4:10:43 AM, SQL_SSRP_Slammer_Worm,, 1
    5/6/2004 4:10:43 AM, SQL_SSRP_StackBo,, 1
    5/6/2004 4:10:43 AM, UDP_Probe_Other,, 1

    5/6/2004 3:05:56 AM, SQL_SSRP_Slammer_Worm, ENJOY, 1
    5/6/2004 3:05:56 AM, SQL_SSRP_StackBo, ENJOY, 1
    5/6/2004 3:05:56 AM, UDP_Probe_Other, ENJOY, 1