Skilling can remain in house arrest

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Pekelo, Dec 12, 2006.

  1. Josh009


    #11     Dec 13, 2006
  2. saw an interview with two Enron low level secretary types in a 'where are they now piece.' they said they hope ken lay and jeff skiling spend the rest of their lives in prison, that they caused so much misery. then the interviewers asked about their current lives, and both said their lives and jobs were much better than before at Enron. investors took a risk and got burned. but i don't think lying about your numbers due to immense pressure from wall street, which is yes a crime, is worse than being a rapist or murder or child molestor. and that's what these people are getting. some of these guys are smart and could repay their debts by giving back to society, rather than the taxpayer giving $40k a year to fund their incarceration.
    #13     Dec 13, 2006