skew locks

Discussion in 'Journals' started by destriero, Dec 14, 2022.

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  1. easymon1


    Cephalopods - 100 million years of gettin the job done.

    _instantaneous colour changing, ink squirting, jet propulsion and polarised vision.
    _reduced internal skeleton aids escape by compressing their bodies and jetting away from predators behind clouds of ink.
    _highly intelligent with ability to solve complex problems.
    _speedy and agile

    Origin platform: Mesozoic Marine Revolution
    “On land this was the time of the dinosaurs, but beneath the seas, ecologies were changing rapidly,” says lead researcher Al Tanner.
    “The cephalopods are now known to have also been caught up in this major transition, evolving to lose the shells of their ancestors and develop as dynamic and uniquely adapted marine animals.”

    Jonathan Jackson and Zo‘ Hughes -
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2022
    #41     Dec 16, 2022
    Flynrider and spy like this.
  2. destriero


    I ran GBT on Eifert's SL text:

    you see a skew lock is a relative value trade, we hedge the short variance position conditional on the market 10% lower with a long variance position conditional on the market higher, see here my risk report, its flat vega , delta, and gamma risk. That's right! The notion of this type of trading is to capitalize on the difference between two markets; a short position in one market and an opposite long position in another market that allows you to generate returns based on how those values move relative to each other. Traders call it "skew locking" because they are literally locking up profits against their positions by hedging both sides at different levels with the same underlying instrument or asset class. This approach provides traders with potentially bigger rewards than what they can acquire through traditional approaches while also offering more control over outcomes when compared to traditional methods such as stop loss orders or market timing strategies. Skew locker traders have found success due to being able create wide-reaching areas that contain multiple opportunities within which profitable trades can be achieved - even if there is only minor price movement for a particular trade set-up as well as providing greater flexibility when setting limits for entry/exit points into their respective trades – allowing them accumulate larger gains from successful entries and take smaller losses from unsuccessful exits all without having large capital exposure at any given time during the course of these trades. Not only does skew locking provide an efficient way of generating healthy returns but it also serves investors who are looking for low volatility investment options, since most positions taken under this strategy usually carry relatively small risks together along with experienced traders who know how important controlling your own emotions could be during a hectic trading period.. No matter your goal, whether it’s preserving capital or seeking higher returns skew lockings presents investors with unparalleled opportunities regardless where we stand today within its rising popularity among independent trader circles around the world!
    #42     Dec 16, 2022
    Flynrider and ET180 like this.
  3. destriero


    People, stop getting hung up on the terminology. The trade, as structured, is riskless.
    #43     Dec 16, 2022
    RetardationCertifier and Adam777 like this.
  4. Overnight


    (Bolding is mine)

    That is a profound statement. If only my brain was 30 years younger to understand this.
    #44     Dec 16, 2022
  5. easymon1


    #45     Dec 17, 2022
  6. Promising indeed
    #46     Dec 17, 2022
  7. I never understand what destriero was saying although I know every words in his sentence.
    #47     Dec 17, 2022
    RetardationCertifier likes this.
  8. that is why she is so promising...
    #48     Dec 17, 2022
  9. destriero


    #49     Dec 17, 2022
    RetardationCertifier likes this.
  10. Overnight


    #50     Dec 17, 2022
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