skeptical point of view

Discussion in 'Index Futures' started by milstar, Aug 5, 2005.

  1. milstar


    Expect to find mentor which teach individual
    to make 100% per a. is not more realisticaly as
    expect from Minervini ,that he make with your
    capital 50-100% per a. /also after 22.5% -? commission/
    Very possible that exist newcomer ,about author is not
    informed with result equal or better as by Minervini

    Marc D Cook offer fax service and seminar for money

    But if ambition are more ,than individual must take all responsibility for high risk .

    Public record of real money competitions
    by industries ,where individual mostly dissadvantaged -forex
    by fxcm from time to time 600% per month .

    In future author think can be more for small operator.
    But clear this sort of result not possible without high/very high
    risk .
    #11     Aug 7, 2005
  2. nitro


    That is a very good question, and the answer is very educational.

    #12     Aug 7, 2005
  3. milstar


    To easy reader

    Some time before shareholder of GS protested
    against more high part of company capital was employed by
    by proprietary trading . It was some 2.2 % of company
    capital riskied per day .

    GS,MWD,MER riskied mostly clients money /M&A,corporate Finance,IPO fees &/ ,but to say that individual operator
    cannot make money would false- Martin Schwartz ,M.Cook,
    M.Minerwini are good example's

    They's exposure to the risk more /Schwartz -huge underwater position of ES/ . For one person as Schwartz ,which can make 800% per a. for capital approx. 1mln. exist multiple hundreds ,which make 20-50% and multiple 1000 ,which lose .

    Also in Blackjack in casino possible (Griffith Mathematic of Blackajck,Ken Uston Big Player &/ . By risk/reward 1:1
    monkey make long term 50:50 winning ratio for banan
    Highly skilled operator must make 55-60 to 45:40 by R/R
    1:1 or 34:66 for R/R 1:3 / use Kelly-Shannon form for

    Nelson,Napoleon,Thengiz-Khan great risk -great win

    Can apply to market ? -Yes ,Sucessfull Krawitz from CME
    products is great follover of Thengiz-Khan /named he's yacht/
    #13     Aug 7, 2005
  4. Of course there are some people that are able to do it. They have my deepest admiration because I know how hard it is.
    #14     Aug 7, 2005