Gentlemen Future market defined/Rottela/ as zero summ game . Can you explain which of group win regulary and which loss ? Which of different tactic used my winning group and which by losing ? Is tactic buy bid sell ask profitable ? Or only promouted as profitable ? Are all another intraday tactic ,which broadly promouted /example catch 3-12 point of ES for 1-4 points of Risk &/ profitable ? Author experience with real time quote paper game/contest gave results as 100-400% per day ,2600% per week & But ... 1.In real life order can be blocked through specific tactic /great operator play MM/ 2. Most of the paper game/simulator not incorporate FIFO All tactical skill mentioned are not original,broadly famous and have dfferent weakness Author would very pleased for critical point of view from operators with experience in real market intraday futures trading ...
I'll try to answer the best I can: Can you explain which of group win regulary and which loss ? Which of different tactic used my winning group and which by losing ? -> Long term traders win, Scalpers win , *Experienced* intraday traders win Advanced technique traders win (arbs/etc) *unexperienced* intraday traders usually lose. Take too much risk during the day. Taking 3 point risk for 3 point gain (don't forget slippage and spread + commissions!) Is tactic buy bid sell ask profitable ? Or only promouted as profitable ? -> No Idea, never traded that technique. IT doesn't work that great, because if the price moves to allow you to buy at bid, that means it'll be moving the price even lower I usually buy 1 tick below the top of ranges, 1 tick above low of ranges. Are all another intraday tactic ,which broadly promouted /example catch 3-12 point of ES for 1-4 points of Risk &/ profitable ? -> Yes, many tactics, many work, just few people will have the tactic and few people will know the tactic. Author experience with real time quote paper game/contest gave results as 100-400% per day ,2600% per week & -> Could be possible. But ... 1.In real life order can be blocked through specific tactic /great operator play MM/ -> Start simulate trading using ninja/button/zeroo its the closest to real trading. 2. Most of the paper game/simulator not incorporate FIFO -> Trading 10-20-30-40 lots should get you a fill no matter when you put in your order.
Dear Sir You stated that few operator have and knew tactic . Trade intraday with risk/reward 1:3 on news/event trading/ or market opening broadly promouted by different literatur . Do you think that long-term win possible with tactical skill ,which are broadly promouted ?
Any broadly promoted strategy will not give you the results you want. Any strategy that works either is a) taught to you by a mentor b) taught to you by yourself c) bought for lots of money maybe $20,000 systems, public strategies all do not work in the long run, nobody gives out money making strategies unless its very general and broad and works maybe 50/50 HOpe that answers your question.
You are asking the blind without a map where to find the gold when you ask questions like that on ET. The only people that consistantly make money trading futs are the market makers. Outside of that, there are some very well capitilized proprietary traders that seem to do well, but even they are few and far between profitable year in and year out. I venture to say that maybe three people on this site make money trading futures year in and year out. nitro
Man, do I hate that meme, it's too clever by half. It's not a stinkin' zero sum game, it's a minus sum game. You got commish, info fees, computer costs, etc. - you gotta be awesome to break even my friend.
Gentlemen 1. It stock market exist agent of principal (Ameritrade ,Optionsxpress,Thinkorswim/ and long-term winning ratio is better as by forex /5% after one year?/,where all broker take another side of order. In future market great brokers as Refco play MM against client interess ,but author think that exist pure agent also -openecry , mbtrading & or individual can lease place & access to Globex Which of groups of different operators exist in future industries ? How many accounts have this or another group ? How great is profitabiltiy and winning ratio ? 2. Minimum risk per operation,losing streak Not clear with relevancy in real life tactical skill of winning spread/tick/ .For ES and ERT can be different Which of experienced operator can clear to author possibility of this tactic for ES and ERT in real life ? But for tactic catch 3-10 points for 0.5-1 paper game result is some relevant/author opinion/ 0.5 ERT = 1 point of ES = 50$ + approx 5$ t.k.=55$ With start capital equal 55$*100 =5500 $ can be by life very long time ,if not catch dissatrous intraday volatile movement Correct ? Suspect ,that if all use this tactical skill winning ratio going down . Correct ? Critical opinion welcome ...
To Coolweb As you asked mentor contact your wished winning ratio 75 % used from Mark d. Cook /see tr.record/ ,but clear with low reward/risk another alternative with testing possibility without charge If you will invest contact Exist site of Ed Seykota ,this answer questions ,but author suspect that is low related to trading. For ambition 50% per a. source's mentioned above must be enough . For case ,if your ambition are more -high reward not possible without high risk and no one one can take also part of responsibility . Excuse the author if opinions are not relevant .
I wonder what the figure is for annual profits for JPM, Merrill Lynch, Schawb, etc. plus all the smaller brokerages. Billions I would imagine. Who is supporting all those thousands of people that work for IB and the rest of them. Where does all that money come from? Its a wonder to me that any independent trader can make a living.