Signs that this is hell: "There will be gnashing of teeth"

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by Good1, Feb 9, 2018.

  1. Good1


    Wishes and wars go together. And war is hell.

    This profound statement deserves some explanation.

    The children of faith have nearly unlimited freedom to make wishes. Wishes are what a mind wants to be true, regardless of reality. With unlimited freedom, it's inevitable that fragmented minds will wish for truths which collide with other "truths", or the truths of "others". Not backed by knowledge, and joined only by a disregard for reality, the various truths will come into conflict.

    Each unique truth in the land of faith represents a different reality. This man wants reality to be this way, and that man wants reality to be that way. This is what leads to war. Remember, faith is backed by force, insofar as it would compel a belief in it's representations.

    As such, faith, whenever it comes in conflict with a different faith, will manifest it's force as psychological warfare. Psychological warfare, which is fueled by deception, gradually manifests as hot, material warfare, where material is destroyed to make way for the strongest faith.

    Per my description, faith is actually a weapon. Weaponized psychology, or weaponized mind space.

    Deception is persuasion backed by ignorance, specifically, the ignorance of reality/knowledge.

    Self-deception is the beginning of all outbound deception, the first casualty in a war on truth/reality.

    The consciousness that makes the material worlds is self-deceived, and by it's very nature, deceives anything that it morphs into that seems to think. It's important to remember, for purposes of escape, that all deception is ultimately self-deception. Meanwhile, it's also important to remember that all deception is a prelude to force.

    This, then, is the root of all aggression/aggressors: faith, as it leads to self-deception.

    Because of aggression/aggressors, governments evolve, and taxes are raised to fight the next war, or to defend from the next aggression.

    This is a sign that we are in hell.
    #21     Feb 15, 2018
  2. Good1


    In this next segment, i'd like to continue to point out the inherently destructive nature of faith, how it is the father of force, how it begins with self-deception, and ends with insanity.

    Faith is the unlimited freedom to make shit up as you go along.

    If you knew it was shit, there would be no problem. The problem is faith forces a manifestation. Manifestation functions as evidence. For those who believe, there will always be plenty of evidence to support that belief.

    Soon after faith manifests its own evidence, logic becomes circular. Belief is compelled by the evidence, but the evidence was compelled by faith. At some point, a mind fully committed to faith becomes compromised by it's own evidence (manifestations), and loses touch with reality. Once a mind loses touch with reality, insanity has taken possession of the mind.

    There is a black grimoire that spells out the faith-based substructure of the material worlds:

    "Faith is the substance of what is seen, the evidence of what is hoped for".

    It doesn't need translation, but let me make it clear:

    Faith is the only substance of a material world (whatever eyes can see), and produces evidence of anything that a mind can wish (hope for).

    If it is not obvious already, faith is the fundamental ingredient of magic, which is why i call the book a "grimoire".

    The problem with magic is the problem with faith: it leads to circular reasoning where a wandering mind will soon get "lost", as it loses track of cause and effect.

    Here is how a mind is lost...

    A material world is caused by faith, which manifests some persistent phenomenon. As the persistent phenomenon is observed, it is presumed to be "knowledge", and the persistent phenomenon is taken for "reality". Ignorant of the fact that the manifestation was made by faith, regardless (ignorant) of reality, a mind compelled by faith is eventually separated from reality, and descends into insanity.

    If the consistent line of reasoning just mentioned is true, then that means anything that can see a material world is being compelled by (is a slave of) the consciousness that manifests the material world in the first place, with it's faith.

    The evidence suggests, strongly, that the material world stands on it's own. As such, it functions to disconnect cause and effect...even to reverse cause and effect. Once the cause of the material world is fragmented out of the mind that makes it, that mind gradually begins to go dark, and descend into madness. As such, a mind is "lost".

    Lost minds are fragments of the single consciousness that has cast a spell to manifest it's wishes. As such, lost minds are "under a spell" so-to-speak. My efforts are directed toward lifting the dispel the properly framing it with a consistent line of reasoning (philosophy).
    #22     Feb 15, 2018
  3. Good1


    As pointed out in the previous segment, a spell is a compelling force to believe in some shit.

    Magic is fundamentally black, because it leads to the confusion of cause and effect. As the disconnect deepens, the mind darkens, drifting further and further away from the knowledge of reality.

    This assumes the magic was successful enough (powerful enough) to manifest its wishes in the first place. The manifestation functions as it's own evidence (its own witness), compelling a belief in the evidence as it appears. As faith in the evidence is cultivated, a mind loses track of cause and effect, and descends into ignorance.

    Now the mind is in hell.

    The order of things, in hell, is mind over matter. If this order is lost, all hell breaks loose.

    When matter takes precedence over mind, the power of the mind is weakened. Gradually, it becomes more and more difficult to use the mind to manifest one's wishes. In a worst case scenario, the mind becomes a victim (a slave), powerless to change it's circumstances.

    Man is the end-game manifestation of a long string of conscious spells. As such, man's mind is weak, finding it difficult to further manifest anything he wishes. This is the "end of the road" so-to-speak, or "hell", so-to-speak. So weakened is man's mind, it could be described as "unconscious". At best it is directed by an actual consciousness, the singular consciousness that manifests mans world in the first place. But is that singular consciousness is unconscious because of it's own spells (its own mind weakened), then what hope is there for man?

    This is what i call the "status quo". Look around and you can see the evidence of what i speak. It is the logical conclusion of faith. Man is compelled to abide in faith, but whose faith finds it difficult to manifest anything at all. As it becomes more difficult, manifestation becomes "work".
    #23     Feb 15, 2018
  4. Yeah, we are all in scarcity of resources.So what who cares.
    #24     Feb 15, 2018
  5. Good1


    The legions of hell are generally loyal to hell. Right, no one cares except those who are "weary" of the "work", and are feeling "heavily laden" with tasks.

    Its to these few that i speak. This includes me, whenever i get tired of the political "gnashing of teeth". It's important to set the record straight once in a while, to prevent the faithful mind from descending further into the darkness of bullshit.
    #25     Feb 15, 2018
  6. Good1


    Faith, change, and hell.

    Faith changes the status quo. If the status quo was reality, faith changes reality. If the status quo was not reality, then faith makes further changes to the unreality.

    Faith can never change an unreality back to a reality.

    Still, people try to change their dreams into reality. What's really happening is people try to manifest a wish out of the ether of imagination into a detailed, persistent phenomenon. The persistent phenomenon is then called "reality".

    Whether people do this consciously (ignoring reality), or through ignorance (unconsciously) the process is ongoing. Whenever a particular "reality" becomes dangerous, a more conscious effort is made to change that reality into better circumstances.

    If reality is safe, then faith functions to introduce danger. When faith introduces a dangerous persistent phenomena, an effort might be made to change the circumstances back to something safe. But if faith never changes an unreality back to the safe reality, then faith can only make changes, more or less ignorant of the effects the changes will make...until they are made.

    Reality WAS safe, but faith has turned it into a dangerous status quo that i call "hell". In hell, the statement "Welcome to the jungle" is synonymous with "Welcome to reality". In most instances, the term "reality" is associated with danger.

    The legions of hell flirt between relatively safe circumstances (never totally safe), and relatively dangerous circumstances, as if they were not sure which they preferred. Look at the popularity of "extreme sports", or "bondage" sexual fantasies, or "war" themed movies and video games.

    Some investments are considered "safe" or "conservative" while other are considered "high risk high reward". It's this temptation for a "high reward" that drives and motivates the legions of hell. The highest reward of all is to regain the power to more easily change one's "reality" from one circumstance to another.

    What remains the same is change, whether it is barely noticeable (slow), or rapid and radical (fast).

    But whether slow or fast, change represents death to what came before the change. It is only when change is rapid and radical that the legions of hell call it "death".

    But all death is change, and all change is death.

    Faith is the prime agent of change. Money is also a sub-agent of change. The more money you have, the more changes you can make. So money represents a substitute for faith. With enough money, you can presumably change circumstances from dangerous to "safe".

    For example, "safe" might mean buying a remote piece of property, and building a brick house on it. But it might not be safe from robbers, or 1% annual taxes, or worse, randomly escalating annual taxes. With some more money, one can try to solve the dangerous invader/aggressor problem with guns, fences, walls, and alarms (dogs and tech), and legal/political tactics. But each solution could raise new dangers.

    So the "status quo" is a relatively tolerable level of danger management control via faith and/or money.

    The "status quo" functions as a relatively safe cease fire, so long as there are a balance of powers. Whenever the faith/money of one dreamer (faith-er) exceeds the faith/money of another faith-er (dreamer), a potential conflict rears it's head, due to the compelling nature of faith, first by persuasion (which includes deception) and then by force.

    To gain more power (for change), and presumably more safety, dreamers will combine their dwindling faith powers (man's mind has been weakened) by ganging up into groups. The most fundamental group is a race. But there are other groups built around a faith-filled ideology.

    All of the resulting drama can be traced back to faith as an agent of change.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2018
    #26     Feb 16, 2018
  7. Good1


    Faith, hell, and iniquity

    iniquity = inequality

    Inequality dominates all themes in the status quo i call "hell".

    Look around and observe ubiquitous inequality as a persistent theme. Not one person is the same as another person. For that matter, not one thing is the same as another. This is called "diversity" and hailed as something to celebrate from time to time.

    Diversity disagrees with that statement in the Declaration of Independence which says, "All men are created equal".

    Fair enough, the writer did not say 'all men are born equal', which is most evidently not true. To reach equality, a philosopher would have to reach back to something called "creation", but it could not reference the creation of men, since it is quite obvious that men express a tree rooted deeply in inequality/iniquity.

    I believe the writer of the Declaration was a philosopher who was appealing to deeper roots, deeper than the roots of mankind, to a utopia built around equality, to persuade tyrants to ameliorate their hellish treatment of mankind. From this Declaration, America inherits equality as an ideal to build out a safe haven from the dangers of diversity. In theory, for example, people would be "treated equally under the law". It remains an ideal as it has probably not been practiced perfectly in a country that legalized slavery, even as the Declaration was being crafted, perhaps even crafted by an owner/breeder of slaves.

    Still, havens of equality remain a tempting ideal suggesting there is a utopia to be had somewhere within the dangers of diversity. Communism/socialism, expresses the faith of many who believe that some sort of equality is the solution to the problems of iniquity.

    An observation of history should suggest that the establishment of equality anywhere in hell inadvertently causes all hell to break loose, with exceeding "gnashing of teeth". It simply goes against man's nature to be equal. School uniforms do their best to quash the damning dialectics of diversity, but can never fully quench the fire that feeds the "gnashing of teeth".

    The only real solution is escape from hell, if equality is one's priority.

    Toward escape, i offer a better understanding of equality vs inequality, the history of the conflict between them, and a way to make a choice between them.

    Inequality is not the goal of hell. Inequality/iniquity is the fallout of hell's number one objective: to be special. For anything, or for anyone to be special, there must be inequality.

    Colloquially speaking, the "devil" is special, as well as all of it's "children". Further, any race of peoples who are "chosen", are, in fact, special.

    The devil is in the details. Special does not necessarily mean high, or elevated above, or rich beyond others. Special could also mean low, as long as you are lower than some other low. By this definition, a slave could also be special, so long as s/he were different from any other slave. As such, special status can be obtained anywhere within a hierarchy.

    For example, many women have been convinced to wear face masks and heavy black robes that hide their individuality/differences...because they've also been convinced that they are special within a patriarchal hierarchy. Their special status hangs on the flimsiest of narratives, and yet, this is what drives a willing compliance, aside from threats of violence. Find any woman who champions a burka, and you'll find a champion with special status.

    Those who have signed up for hell have not read the fine details in the travel brochure regarding the actual expression of special status on the ground. Or perhaps they have. Even sick minds can be special if they are sicker than other sick minds, but not as sick as the sickest minds.

    If everything goes right, everyone in hell will get at least 15 minutes of super special status, over and above normalized special status.

    Race is about establishing special status. While race inequality is established by man's maker (the maker's faith), religious inequality is established by man (man's faith) as yet another level of special status. I'll call this religious racism. Religious and/or racial supremacy is all about special status, biased to the upside in an attempt to lord over the rest.

    Still, it's possible to achieve special status as a total victim of the supremacist actors whose greed for high(er) status rots their brain cells like the venom of a special snake. The devil is in the details of the social contract.

    Equality = Reality

    Hell is not reality, thank goodness.

    Let's review:

    Faith, as an agent of change, changes reality to something else.

    If reality is equality, then faith changes equality to inequality, producing the iniquities of hell.

    Only that which is born into reality is equal.

    That which is born into unreality is not the same as anything else.

    Differences are a sign this is hell.

    While differences are the hallmark of hell - the main attraction (something to be celebrated) - it's also these differences that produce the "gnashing of teeth".

    The roots of man trace back to the moment when faith was used to change reality into something else. Man abides within the something else, as something else, something very different from reality, and so, something very special.
    #27     Feb 18, 2018
  8. Good1


    Hell and "the mark of the beast".

    I covered the mark of the beast in my last segment on the whole purpose of hell: to be special.

    The "mark of" = the signature of

    The signs of hell, or the signage of hell (think graffiti tags) are the various expressions of inequality.

    When an artist creates some work, and signs it, this is the mark of the artist.

    The artist behind hell is colloquially described as a "beast", which implies something very difficult to tame, difficult to overcome, something not necessarily benevolent, and also something materialistic (matter, flesh) oriented (something responsible for the appearance/experience of animals).

    Wherever you find inequality, especially "gross inequality", there you may see "the mark of the beast".

    The "number of the beast" is similar.

    We've been told the number is 666. We've also been told that 666 is "the number of man". The exact number does not matter. It's the fact that it is any number at all!

    In fact, the number of men is always changing, growing.

    If you asked the most powerful demon what his name is, the answer would likely be "Legion".

    Here, then, is both the number of the beast, the mark of the beast, and the number of men.

    There are legions of men. All different. All unequal. All special.

    By contrast, there is only one reality...not many. I repeat: only one reality.

    In hell, to each man his own reality, to each according to his faith.

    So there are many "realities" in hell.

    So the number of the beast is any number greater than one, but tending toward legion.

    Without differences, without inequality, without special status, there would be no such thing as "many".

    It's the mark of the beast which makes "many" manifest into appearance.

    Man = manifestation of many

    This is the "signature" of the beast.
    #28     Feb 18, 2018
  9. tomorton


    Look at all this. Three pages. 28 posts.

    I didn't think we were in hell before. I know we are now.
    #29     Feb 19, 2018
  10. Good1


    Then go back to the "Gnashing of teeth" section of the forum (Politics) where you will feel more at home.

    I believe the proper response, for a Christian, is "Thank you. I was blind and now i can see".

    But if you say, "I can see already", then your sin remains with you.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2018
    #30     Feb 19, 2018
    murray t turtle likes this.