Sign of the Times

Discussion in 'Politics' started by lucky_irish_man, May 28, 2006.

  1. Got a laugh out of this one:

    Sign of the times - See pic file attachment.
  2. sign of the times is..............

    64 million people voted for american idol..........

    more than any that voted for either candidate @ the last presidential election......

    Society in a clear downtrend....

    short at will
  3. A sign of the times is when non issues are being treated as priorities. For example, Sen. Bill Frist on Gay Marriage and Flag Burning, America’s Most Pressing Priorities.

    "But as the Fox News host points out, these moves are nothing more than pandering to the right-wing base. Flag-burning incidents declined rapidly after 9/11 and haven’t shown any signs of rebounding. Right now, Cuba, China, and Iran are the only other countries to ban flag desecration and the issue doesn’t even show up on recent polls as an important priority for the American public.

    On gay marriage, only 40 percent of the American public ranked it as an extremely or very important issue in a Feb. poll, behind eight other issues, including terrorism (89 percent), the war in Iraq (89 precent), the economy (88 percent), and health care costs (88 percent). "


    Anyone consider flag burning more important than rising health care costs?
  4. Anyone consider flag burning more important than rising health care costs?

    Duh! Well hell yeah!
    Inch by inch the fabric of our great country is unraveled. You apparently are blind the the results of such actions. Pitiful really.

    Public schools are mostly to blame tho IMO.

    Civics just isn't instilled as relevant to ones' life anymore.
    The attitude is: All the work for making America great has been done so why bother learning that boring crap? Not even the teachers have a clue or a desire to learn this stuff - much less raise patriots!
  5. Christ I might just agree with this if schools just didn't teach only snipets about America's past but the even the ugliness:


    1930 lynching of Thomas Shipp and Abram Smith in Marion, Indiana (Southern infestation of the Midwest)
  6. Fine let the raw truth be told - but IMO- Your focus on the world is obliviously twisted and distracted if this is the main thrust of your curriculum bias.

    I feel sad for your lack of vision and possible rejection of progress in the realm of equality.

  7. Providing affordable high quality healthcare for ALL americans is as patriotic as it gets. So btw is bringing our troops home. Maximizing insurance industry's profits and keeping our troops in Iraq is not patriotic at all, it's actually pretty dumb.
  8. dddooo
    Providing affordable high quality healthcare for ALL americans is as patriotic as it gets.

    ... as patriotic as it gets - - - - only if you are living in Europe man!

    It is NOT the role of our Government to provide health care( affordable or free or otherwise) to its citizens. Ex-presidents and veterans and civil servants- but not the general public dude.

    All government does is sh!t down the quality level of EVERYTHING it controls.

    Dude -Where does that entitlement mentality come from? dddooo -are you a 1970's (or later)spawning?
  9. Mr. Shipp and Mr. Smith murdered a white male and raped his girlfriend.
  10. A new law banning flag burning would desecrate the flag more than any flame ever could.
    #10     May 30, 2006