Shroud Of Turin Determined From Time Of Jesus

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by pspr, Mar 28, 2013.

  1. jem


    It would be pretty cool if we could find Ben Hur's.

    Its funny because mentally I discounted the Shroud comment by someone before. But, the shroud is now evidence. IMO.

    Now that they have dated it back to that time period.
    It is better than a photo... or a dental record. Perhaps those who deny its historicity should now have the burden of denial.

    #31     Mar 29, 2013
  2. No, I'm unrepentantly done with that.
    I did them a HUGE favor (saved their operations/MD referrals for at least one quarter, my local office ) and they rewarded me by stabbing me in the back.

    With that and the silliness of obamacare looming I'm not the least bit interested .
    I've already decided I'll make plans to leave the country and retire elsewhere before I go back to that BS full time.

    btw : daily migraines stopped 2 months ago (Imagine that) :D
    #32     Mar 29, 2013
  3. #33     Mar 29, 2013
  4. #34     Mar 29, 2013
  5. Good for you, I hope it works out. I've been self employed for so damn long I'd be a shitty employee. I've always treated my sub workers very well, that may be one of the reasons I'm not more successful, that and being a little lazy sometimes but heck I'm happy and work is fun so I can't complain.
    #35     Mar 29, 2013
  6. pspr


    BA didn't expect an answer. He's just standing on a roof throwing knives at people as they walk to church.
    #36     Mar 29, 2013
  7. So let's see....from a logical, scientific point of view.... :D

    In order for someone to fake the shroud, this person - living in the late 1300's-early 1400's and using available technology of the time - would have to invent a process to emblazon the image in 3D (the points that touch the body, like the tip of the nose, are more intensely marked than an area recessed from the cloth, like the nape of the neck). He would also have to have access to the ancient Roman whips to get the details right.

    This image should be faint on the linen, but be clearly visible hundreds of years later in a photographic negative after photography was invented.

    And while the person of that time would use religious paintings for his wound references, he would have to know that the wounds through the hands in all paintings were wrong, and that only the Space of Destot in the wrist could support the weight of the body, and make the wound mark there instead.

    And he would have to know to include blood serum on the cloth, which would be invisible to people of his time but glow brightly under ultraviolet light developed much, much later....


    Of course, the carbon-14 dating was wrong, since it was taken from a repair patch in the corner of the shroud, The scientists can't be blamed for that, though, because it's not like the church was gonna let them take a chunk out of the middle of the thing to test.

    They chose what they thought would be an area least noticeable and objectionable - but as a corner, that was also the area most likely damaged and frayed throughout the centuries. Also, little bits of it had been snipped off in the past as presents from the owner in possession to whatever ruling dignitary he was trying to flatter....

    So the carbon-14 dating is basically unreliable - meaning some guy would have to work with even older technology than late 1300's-early 1400's to make it...

    Scientifically speaking....

    #37     Mar 29, 2013
  8. If this is true that the shroud did come from the 600 year time period the scientist says it could have come from and that there actually was a dead body in the shroud, then all we can deduce was that there was a body wrapped up in the shroud. There is nothing else to deduce from that. Scientifically speaking....
    #38     Mar 29, 2013
  9. stu


    Good point.

    I can't be jesus anyhow 'cause we now know he looked like this..

    #39     Mar 29, 2013
  10. jem


    if you do not accept the new dating
    and you do take a look at the image...
    the image still defies all attempts at re creation... and that it sure seems consistent with a body giving off some serious resurrection type light.

    I am not saying this is Jesus burial shroud for sure but if it is not, it sure is a very interesting fake.

    #40     Mar 29, 2013