Should MSNBC change their name to "F*** Romney Channel" till election season is over?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Max E., Jan 17, 2012.

  1. Max E.

    Max E.

    I agree.

    #11     Jan 17, 2012
  2. Tom B

    Tom B

    According to the polls, Romney has the best chance of beating Obama.
    #12     Jan 17, 2012
  3. Max E.

    Max E.

    Actually, after seeing that video Newt Released on Romney about Bain, I have become more inclined to like Romney.

    If the picture they paint about Romney and Bain is true (which it isnt) Then it would seem that Romney is the most qualified to chop the government apart, since he is a "corporate raider" who was in the business of slashing companies apart to make them solvent. :D

    #13     Jan 17, 2012
  4. Ricter


    Only partisan hacks want to "chop the government apart", while most folks want it to be as efficient, as efficacious as possible. So how do we measure the size of government?
    #14     Jan 17, 2012
  5. Max E.

    Max E.

    You are focusing to much on the term "Chop government apart" I could have used the term "trim the government to make it more efficient" and it would have meant the same thing in my eyes, bottom line is someone has to go in and make cuts, and make things more efficient or we are fucked, and that is right in Romney's wheel house according to the left, and Newt.
    #15     Jan 17, 2012
  6. Maverick74


    Max, I heard an interesting stat on CNN from Piers Morgan about Chris Christie, Romney's likely VP. Did you know that he never lost a single prosecution in his entire career? He took down the mob, government officials, financial crooks, everyone. Never lost. Imagine what he could do in the White House.
    #16     Jan 17, 2012
  7. Ricter


    Fair enough, I probably would not have used the term "hacks" if you had worded it so.

    But how do we know government is, overall, too inefficient, or too big? Can it measured? Comparative means are necessary, because if we don't compare ourselves to how others are doing, we can only imagine greater efficiency. That's great, the pursuit replaces yesterday's best practices with today's best practices, but until the imagination actually delivers, cutting government size alone will not improve its efficiency, because its product will fall with its cost of production. I guess one way of doing this is, holding produce constant, is replacing employees, like the police, with robots!
    #17     Jan 17, 2012
  8. Riddle mode again.
    #18     Jan 17, 2012
  9. Brass


    If the Gingrich hit piece is accurate, then Romney as corporate raider is best qualified to identify and exploit companies worth more dead than alive for the simple reason that their true value exceeded market capitalization. That's when he loaded such targets with debt after taking them private, withdrew the proceeds througth massive dividends, slashed operating costs to give the illusion of cash flow viability in spite of the ratcheted leverage and the associated carrying costs, and then watched them wither after having squeezed the juice out of them, treating them as mere cash cows with a very short-term time horizon.

    So if Gingrich got it right, that's the guy you're rooting for?
    #19     Jan 17, 2012
  10. Maverick74


    Doesn't it bother you that most democrats are actually defending Bain Capital? I mean that's not really what people in the other party do to an opponent. But in this case, even democrats are not buying the story and have positive things to say.
    #20     Jan 17, 2012