Should Everyone Be Allowed To Vote?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AlpineTrout, Oct 31, 2008.

  1. If you're not paying at least $1 in federal taxes, own at least 1 share of stock or have some equity in property, do you think you should be participating in the decision process that effects owners and producers in this country, in a greater manner than yourself?
    #41     Oct 31, 2008
  2. Are you equating a symbiotic relationship (remorra fish/shark) to gimme recipients? Sorry, guy, I'm thinking more apropriately of the TICK.
    #42     Oct 31, 2008
  3. TGregg


    I guess you'd be ok with reading:

    right? :D

    Here's the entire amendment:
    It says that states can't pick one of the listed reasons to deny the right to vote. They can pick other reasons.

    According to that, States can still say something like short people can't vote, or redheads are not allowed in polling places.

    The Constitution is very clear and it says that state legislatures are responsible for figuring out how to pick electors to pick the US President. Congress Critters have to be elected by the people, but states can say "FYA! People can't vote for president."
    #43     Oct 31, 2008
  4. Unfortunately, the Libertarian Party has been vitually invisible this year.
    #44     Oct 31, 2008
  5. Most teachers own a piece of America through pensions, annuities or real estate, and they definitely pay federal taxes. Your point?
    #45     Oct 31, 2008
  6. Lucrum


    We're already in the crapper. Obama's just going to flush it.
    #46     Oct 31, 2008
  7. It makes a huge amount of sense to have some type of IQ requirement in order to vote. It's common sense to know this because you only need simple example to explain it.

    It really depends on what type of people make up a country. There are basically two types of people. There are people that are achievers and there are people that are spoon feeders.

    If the country is made up of spoon feeders than that is what the country will turn into until they are taken advantage of achieving countries. My huge amazement in this is that average spoon feeding Americans totally take their freedom for granted. Every voter should read the prince before they ever vote. The world is always for the taking.
    #47     Oct 31, 2008
  8. TGregg


    Fixed it for you. Sadly.
    #48     Oct 31, 2008
  9. IQ requirements would disqualify a large percentage of conservatives. Liberals tend to be more highly educated and more likely to graduate from college and from graduate school.

    The very question as posed on this thread smacks of arrogance. Shame on anyone who wants to deprive a fellow law-abiding citizen the right to vote.
    #49     Oct 31, 2008
  10. Are you serious? You can't be.

    I cannot imagine state legislators being that stupid as to deprive the very citizens who voted them in their right to vote.

    Not in this country, and probably not in this century.

    How'd you get to be a moderator, anyway?
    #50     Oct 31, 2008