Should Everyone Be Allowed To Vote?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AlpineTrout, Oct 31, 2008.

  1. Mecro


    You don't have a clue either if think you're actually think your vote matters when it's constricted to two pre-selected candidates that are really part of a ONE party system.
    #31     Oct 31, 2008
  2. Clearly, college students and soldiers are not parasites on the ass of society........lets give them an exception.
    #32     Oct 31, 2008
  3. ahhh and the slippery slope begins:)
    #33     Oct 31, 2008

  4. Well, I don't disagree with you about that. 99.9 % of voters have a very short attention span, and while you as a trader have developed this skill or rather think a lot to try to anticipate what the future looks like (because basically that's how you & I make a living), your average voter doesn't care till he's confronted with the "fait accompli"
    I don't believe neither Obama nor McCain don't know that their promise of spending & tax cuts are VOID in the current situation, they probably know but aren't able to tell it to the voter, because the voters WANT to hear otherwise.

    Sorry P(a)bst, but 8 years of republican rule have made me quite skeptical of the GOP's ability to control spending. and/or limit the national debt.
    #34     Oct 31, 2008
  5. 1--Your grasp of biology seems to be superficial, at best. Without parasites in your gut, you'd be unable to digest almost anything. that's why it's called "symbiosis." you need them to live, and they too. Neither can "exist" without the other. On the other hand, The US would be just fine without Blacks and Alabama.

    2--Next time you go to a parent's meeting at your children's school. Stand up and ask the "stupid" teachers how is it that they fail to look out after their own economic interests by pursuing an ingrate underpaying career. If people who abuse the system are parasites, how do you call people who pay more than their fair share like teachers & soldiers who are paid a misery (value not always monetary) ?
    #35     Oct 31, 2008
  6. No right to vote? Please see the Constitution, in particular, the 15th, 19th, and 26th amendments.

    If there is a civics test required to vote, here's one et'er that won't pass! :p

    This place is full of them.
    #36     Oct 31, 2008
  7. Look at it very closely, it just ain't there. :eek:
    #37     Oct 31, 2008
  8. Libertarian here.....................just trying to come up with ideas to keep parasites from running the country into the crapper.
    #38     Oct 31, 2008
  9. 151


    oktiri come on man you know that not all parasites are in symbiotic relationsships with their host.

    I really didnt peg you for a fact bender.

    And I shouldn't even get started on teachers and most other low salary goverment employee's.

    The more we talk about so many issues the easier it is for me to believe every facet of our society is too far gone to save.
    #39     Oct 31, 2008
  10. " the RIGHT of citizens to vote shall not be denied......." direct quote from the 15th ammendment...granted the ammendments are not a part of the ORIGINAL constitution however are now considered by the Supreme Court of the US to be part of the constitutional RIGHTS of its citizens.
    #40     Oct 31, 2008