Shorting the market...

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by kmiklas, Jun 17, 2022.

  1. kmiklas


  2. I was just thinking about social media the other a great actor/conman...can anyone he wants to across social media sites.

    Someone can open ten different social media channels...claim to be a:
    general, family, doctor.
    tech company engineer.
    school teacher.
    fitness expert with twenty years experience.
    day care operator.
    porn director.
    sports car auto mechanic.
    supermarket manager.
    professional fisherman.

    Open ten different social media pages, claiming to be all of these things. Produce cool, funny, bright, charming content. And collect that awesome ad revenue, and generate course sales and product sales and subscriptions.

    Get Rich. No one truly cares if you are legit or who you really are long as you entertain their brain dead, bored, basic selves.
  3. kmiklas


    There's been talk that the Social Media channels work to make _all_ content creators "Internet Famous."

    The logic? People create content. If they start to get likes, subscribes, follows, etc. then they are encouraged to create more content. As a result, more people join their platform, because it has lots of content/people are talking about it, and spend more time viewing content. The platform ultimately wins, because their library of content grows. user base grows, time spent on platform grows, and this creates a wider base for marketing and advertising.

    So they'll smartly work to bring every content creator to some level of Internet sensation.

    It's all a business model, my friend.
  4. If an average someone were to ask me how to get rich....I would tell be a conman on social media sites.

    Play the role of various people. Produce charming, bright, content for each character you are playing for all the channels you are creating.
    Before you literally know have generated $100,000 in ad revenues, and course sales.
    Just research those roles/ an actor researching his part for a movie project.

    I say this all jokingly, but still very seriously. The Con is On.
    kmiklas likes this.