Short Call trading strategy

Discussion in 'Options' started by moolah, Apr 24, 2019.

  1. moolah


    For the short call strategy, does it assume that the trader does not own the stock when the trade is entered? What is the trading objective for this strategy?
  2. Pekelo


    Yes. To make money while the stock drops or stays flat.
  3. moolah


    So the intended money making opportunity comes from the premium received if the stock stays flat? To make money when the stock drops, the strike price and in this case the SELL price must be higher then the market stock price upon expiry? Great if someone can give examples.
  4. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

  5. ironchef


    Short answer is what Pekelo said.

    If the stock is at $100, you sell a call with strike price of $100 for 1 week and receive a premium of say $1. if the stock stay at $100 or below at the end of 1 week, you keep the $1 premium. However, if the stock goes to say $110, you will have to buy the stock @ $110 and sell it to the buyer of your option for $100 so you ended up taking a $9 loss. It is a limited gain but unlimited loss trade.

    The devil is in the details.

    If you are interested, should visit the website mentioned to get educated.