Shaun Downey Oasis Research etc.

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by Dogfish, May 24, 2010.

  1. Dogfish


    What happened to Shaun Downey's tech analysis site? I bought his Trading Time book in 2007 and was rereading wondering if there are any updates but the websites he refers to are down and the link to oasis on the book site does nothing.

    Does he still do daily analysis because at one stage he called the intraday bund "to the tic." If so who are these vended through, is he still in partnership with ransquawk and are their trials available to see if he still has the touch? He used to have some good educational videos on his website last year about moving average tweaks and their shortcomings.
  2. Dogfish


    Seems Oasis has morphed into think that must have been where I saw the vids last year. Seems last vid was made a year ago, wonder if the site is still actively updated.