Shallow Throat

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Grob109, Oct 8, 2003.

  1. I don't start investing threads but I am really curious if anyone is tracking any highly informational threads on the political "orchestration" that caused the CIA agent's cover to be blown.

    My other pet information gathering is on flight 093, Dayton Air Force planes, and the resulting luggage distribution before the crash.

  2. I haven't been able to find any good info, but...
    What's not being said is if Plame was with Wilson in Nigeria. It would make sense for him to be assigned there as her cover story in the first place.

  3. Since when is it appropriate for people on CIA missions to immediately write NYT op-ed columns about their "findings"? Is it apropriate for a CIA "asset" to go on every cable show possible and talk to every liberal reporter in town to trash the President and gloat about the President's chief advisor being led out in handcuffs?