shake shack worth over $1,000,000,000

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by S2007S, Jan 30, 2015.

  1. Nine_Ender


    McDonalds, 91B cap. You people not aware of this ?

    Honestly, S2007S is a nut who looks for excuses to get hysterical and ramble on about Bernanke and QE. He understands nothing. Shake Shack might be overvalued, I really have no idea nor do I care. I don't expect all stocks to be valued accurately, nor do I worry about whether savers get 3% on their bank accounts. Apparently, this S2007S guy frets about these things all the time.

    He's posted there will be QE in 2015 around 20 times. So when this year ends, and there is no new QE in the US, he'll be proven to be wrong again. Because in reality, QE did what it was supposed to do, and given the enormity of the issues in the US in 2008/2009, one cannot expect any solution to be complete, entirely efficient, or the economy to be fully healed. But it is better and we have no depression. Left to meandour at the whims of guys like S2007S, your country would be in financial ruins right now. So as he rails about Bernanke yet again, thank god it was Bernanke and not this idiot S2007S running the show.
    #21     Feb 5, 2015
  2. d08


    You can't compare McDonalds to Shake Shack really. One if a global brand, Olympics sponsor and whatnot. Not to mention it's present it almost every city and town on the planet. Building a brand is not that easy, ask anyone in Europe or Asia what Shake Shack is and you'd have blank stares. You could claim that Shake Shack could just as easily mimic McDonalds but whatever they pour into marketing and expansion, it will still take at least a decade to reach McD levels.
    #22     Feb 5, 2015
  3. newwurldmn


    It's just evidence thst investment dollars are hungry for growth. Shake shack is growing leaps and bounds while McDonald's is shrinking. Comparing the two is dumb.

    There are lots of examples of this where hyper growth gets an extreme valuation compared to market growth or stable cashflow.
    #23     Feb 5, 2015
    londonkid likes this.
  4. londonkid


    yes aware and I agree with your postings. It was just a little cultural dig at uncle sam. It just wouldnt happen here in Europe a big hamburger joint going ipo. Over here we are all miserable austerity monkeys I admire the US can do spirit and its inability to refuse depression.
    #24     Feb 6, 2015
    romik likes this.
  5. S2007S


    There will be QE or some sort of QE going forward ....once markets start to fall apart and it looks like the next collapse is coming you can expect QE or some form of new new stimulus put forward. I don't think you notice how bad things really are. QE and ZERO interest rates have been covering up this crisis for over 6 years now. If everything is all fine and dandy why are interest rates at 0% why is Europe and Japan now doing their own form of QE?????

    Everything is being propped up with trillions and trillions worth of dollars don't notice it because the market rally over the last 6 years has you convinced everything is fine and dandy.......give it will notice sooner than later...
    #25     Feb 6, 2015
  6. londonkid


    Personally I believe the US will restart QE in the medium/long term I very much doubt it will be this year though. There will need to be considerable pain prior.
    #26     Feb 6, 2015
  7. S2007S


    QE will come back....if not in 2015 will be in 2016...

    Markets are too used to these free trillions. Once this 6 year rally starts to fade they will pushmore trillions into the system.
    #27     Feb 9, 2015
  8. S2007S


    SHAK now trading at $40

    Down over 20% from its high of $52+ set on IPO day.

    Wish I could have had those shares short at $48. But nope non available because its newly issued...

    Trading under $40 now
    Down over 4% today.

    Anyone still bullish on a franchise that sells burgers?
    #28     Feb 9, 2015
  9. #29     Feb 9, 2015
  10. Nine_Ender


    You want to go over our respective posts from years ago. I said most bull markets last at least 4-5 years at a point where you were screaming short the markets every week. Don't tell me what I notice, I notice one hell of a lot more about markets and economics then you ever do. I read this market correctly in 2009. You did not. Took you until late 2014 to have even the slightest clue really.

    Don't ever claim to understand what I think about markets or economics. I can state my opinions fine myself, and I don't need an imbecile like you pretending to paraphrase what I think based on nothing. Get educated or stfu, you lack knowledge and common sense.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2015
    #30     Feb 9, 2015