Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by JRMaynard, Mar 18, 2008.

  1. fromJR Maynard <>
    toBarbara Cohen <>,

    dateWed, Mar 19, 2008 at 12:34 PM
    subjectFree Webinar!

    hide details 12:34 PM (0 minutes ago) Reply

    Barbara Cohen,

    Congratulations! You are cordially invited to view an webinar on the viability of the "Institutional Money Management System". To register for this event, please just click here.

    If you have any trouble registering for this event, please just reply to this email and a support representative will assist you within a couple of hours.

    The webinar will include topics such as:
    1. How to blow out your account as quickly as possible!
    2. Why you should trade with a minimum of a 6:1 risk to reward ratio.
    3. How YOU can trade 15 ES contracts with ONLY $10k….just like the big boys.

    This is really shaping up to be the Webinar of the Year! I certainly hope that you will be able to attend.

    That's not all! If you are one of the first 100 to register you will get our Double Secret Trading Tips manual that includes such points as:

    Trading is difficult, in any market.

    How Due Diligence on a vendor can save you $$$.

    It will most likely take months to years to even coming close to being successful.

    Nobody really knows exactly how and when Institutions are going to trade except them!

    There is really no such thing as a profitable market, only how you trade it.

    Sign up now as these Double Secret Trading Tips are going fast!
    #21     Mar 19, 2008
  2. I agree with you to a point. The main issue with most if not all TU's (trading educators) is their own personal level of HONOR. Some TU's have decent, or I may even say good sytems, but they tend to go on and conduct their sales and marketing in a very dishonorable fashion. For that matter, some of these many TU's are just down right dishonorable human beings to the core and that is exceptionally disappointing.

    I have come to the conclusion from dealing with several TU's in my time, that only HARD FACTUAL PROVEN track records displayed to the public can cure the "nature" of the industry. If a TU can't show they themselves have ACTUALLY traded their own system PROFITABLY, with a proven track record, then only FOOLS should follow!!!

    To this point in my life, I have only had FULLY honorable dealings with one TU in the whole industry, and that is the man who speaks the ACV ratio edge - none other.
    #22     Mar 19, 2008
  3. rofl... love the invite

    Can't wait to hear her response, but somehow I don't think that will be forthcoming
    #23     Mar 19, 2008
  4. Holy shit that was funny.
    #24     Mar 19, 2008
  5. LOL. You are cruel... but in a good way. I think they should answer the question here too. They've probably never heard of ET. They are definitely getting "called out" and need to respond.

    Also, can anyone tell me what broker out there let's you trade 15 ES on 10K even just for intraday? Besides it being horrible money management and completely reckless is it is even possible with margin requirements??
    #25     Mar 19, 2008
  6. I really loved this part of her email to you...

    "we saw what the market was doing.
    In fact we did 3 trades back to back and walked away with 9 ticks.
    because we knew what the market was doing."

    I thought about this more and just laughed out loud. "We knew what the market was doing" really translates into we _knew_ what the market was going to do next (impossible of course) so just we stayed in the trade and got our 3 ticks. This is just an amazing statement to make to new traders. I have never lost as much money trading in the past as when I've said "I _know_ what the market is going to do next".
    #26     Mar 19, 2008
  7. <i>"Also, can anyone tell me what broker out there let's you trade 15 ES on 10K even just for intraday? Besides it being horrible money management and completely reckless is it is even possible with margin requirements??"</i>

    Many emini brokers permit $500 per contract intraday margins to trade during pit-session hours... sometimes outside of that timeframe. That would allow positions of 20-lot ES to clear.

    Years past I've levered up positions that thin by pyramiding into profitable trend trades. In other words, an initial trade goes far enough in favor to trail stop-order to entry (par) and add size at the next signal, risk of capital (other than unrealized gains) is small relative to position size if trade continues in favor.

    Traders who average down (against) using day margins will perish... every last one who tries it, zero exceptions in the end.

    I no longer trade that thin myself even while "averaging up". The way price action explodes and unannounced events blow tapes all around lately, one error on the stop-exit and account turns to ash in a puff of smoke.

    Anyone who advocates +3tick scalping / stops bigger than -3ticks is teaching a guaranteed failed approach, end of story there.
    #27     Mar 19, 2008
  8. Yeah, I figured there was probably some out there that would allow it. Amazing though. I figure if you have to calculate your daily margin to fit that type of trade in, you can't afford to make the trade anyway even if the broker will allow it.
    #28     Mar 19, 2008
  9. If you use a technique of scaling into a trend market this method can do phenomenally well ... extremely well from a risk:reward stand point ... but you have to be really good at the game, I'm not good enough to do this consistently, not yet at least.
    As far as what the market will do next?

    My vote says we've dropped far enough and the market will find support right here at 1316.00, hold it, and rise into the close.

    Good trading.
    #29     Mar 19, 2008
  10. 1317.00 previous day market profile level was still in play today and we busted through with ease - keep that in mind now. 1302/1303 is looking to be a mild support area from what I can see for additional downside movement - below that we run back to the 1270 area and below. :eek:
    #30     Mar 19, 2008