SF Mayor Gavin Newsome kills 3 by ignoring Federal Law

Discussion in 'Politics' started by John_Wensink, Jul 24, 2008.

  1. You don't live in California do you? The Corollary to my housekeeper story is a nightmare ER visit I had when I was in school. I got rear-ended by an illegal alien who had no insurance and no Driver license and the EMT's took me to King-Drew LA County ...where I proceeded to wait for 8 hours in triage while all the illegal aliens were seen first because they use the Emergency Room as their primary care giver.

    Or Doctor's that I know who work in Obstetrics. Who have delivered 1000's of babies from mothers who actually ran across the border at the last minute so that Jose Junior would be an American citizen and they would get free and quality health care and Medicare and welfare and food stamps and free fucking corn tortillas and Government cheese.

    It's a sick fucking system

    The stories could go on and on......but I'm bored now.

    #21     Jul 24, 2008
  2. hmmmmm....I would agree with maybe 3 good ones ....not 10:1

    #22     Jul 24, 2008
  3. Lucrum


    Hopefully the victim's relatives will sue in civil court, and bankrupt the city. That should ruin the political aspirations of that SF mayor.
    #23     Jul 26, 2008