Set extensions?

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Frederick Foresight, Aug 9, 2018.

  1. iccenuol


    Baron, why are you using the above routine? Has this routine been advised or have you made this up yourself?
    #81     Jan 22, 2019
  2. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    I just started the split at the beginning of the year. I switched it up to keep from getting bored because I was definitely headed that way.
    #82     Jan 22, 2019
  3. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    I made it up myself and it's based upon several factors:

    1. Rule #1 is that the workout needs to be something I can stick with. Based on past experience, I know that I can work out 4 days per week very reliably. Any more than that I probably won't be consistent.
    2. I like to start the week with something I like to do. Back and Bi's is a workout I enjoy so that makes it easy for me to get into the gym on Monday. Ultimately, that enables me to start the week off with both a psychological and physical win, which is very important to get through the rest of the week.
    3. I know that there are certain things that I've hated about working out with other people. For example, some people like to do a once-a-week leg day where they do quads hamstrings and calves in one mega workout. I always found that to be a nauseating amount of work for a single day, and I always dreaded doing it. So that's why I do quads and calves on one day, and then incorporate hamstring training on a different day.
    4. I'm not wild about doing hamstring work so I pair it up with shoulder work, which I love to do.
    5. I don't like working out more than two days in a row without a rest day so I incorporated that concept as well. It seems if I try to work out 3 days in a row, that third day is never that great of a workout.
    6. And I don't like working out on weekends unless I have to. So I set everything up so that I cover all the body parts in the 4 days during the work week.
    I hope that makes sense!
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2019
    #83     Jan 22, 2019
    Clubber Lang likes this.
  4. It is easy to check whether your scale gives you the correct BMI calculation.
    BMI = (weight in kg)/(square of length in meters).
    Example: weight is 85 kg (187 lbs), length is 1.88 m (6 feet plus some inches). BMI = 85/1.88/1.88 = 24.
    #84     Jan 23, 2019
  5. Body fat percentage measurements with home scales are not very accurate. It gets better if you have a four-point scale, whereby you need to hold a handle with both hands. But it usually only has electrical contact pads at your feet. An electrical current goes in at one foot, and come out at the other. This is used to measure the impedance, and to derive the body fat percentage from. However, the electrical current will take the shortest path and will thus not go through your upper body. If the body composition of your upper body changes, changes are that this is not detected by the measurement method.
    This is why a four-point measurement is a bit better as it also sends electrical currents through your arms. It can measure the path from one arm to your feet, thus including your upper body.
    #85     Jan 23, 2019
  6. Do you go to failure on all or some of your sets? Do you go past failure for any of them?
    #86     Jan 23, 2019

  7. BMI is just a calculation based on height and weight. A scale is not going to get that wrong unless you enter the wrong height or the scale weight is off. If your scale says your BMI is 23 based on the weight and height inputs, then doing it manually is not doing anything differently.

    It is like saying it is easy to check whether your calculator gives you the correct 2+2 calculation. Just take 2 and add 2 manually.
    #87     Jan 23, 2019
  8. I know. I was responding to post #75 in this thread.
    #88     Jan 23, 2019
  9. OK my bad :)
    #89     Jan 23, 2019
  10. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    I always go to failure. Every set. I don't have a training partner so going past failure isn't really an option.
    #90     Jan 23, 2019