Series 7, where do I start?

Discussion in 'Prop Firms' started by howardy2k, Oct 12, 2005.

  1. I only have a chemistry degree and 7 yrs of daytrading experience. Do I have to take some classes or just buy some study material? Thanks
  2. Sorry, people with chemistry degrees are not allowed to get their series 7. hehe

    Try Securties training corporation. They have the best material for the exam.
  3. Yep, STC has a pretty good review course and study materials.
    Read the material, and make sure you attend the classes and most importantly do all of the 13 practice exams in the back of the binder. They are very important to how successful you are when it comes to taking the real exam.

    Study hard and be committed to the exam.
    It's 6 hours long and not one that you really want to re-take again.
  4. go through the STC exams + the progressive exams. if you pass them all with 70%-80% score, you'll be fine.

  5. why do you want to study for the series 7? to become a prop trader?

    perhaps the alure of the so called team effort approach?

    or, perhaps the notion that you'll have near unlimited buy power up to $1 million or more dollars to devote to your trades?

    or, perhaps you think this is the next logical development in the trader's cycle?

    just curious?
  6. r-in


    Probably reading more into what you posted, but are you implying those are bad ideas? They all sound like a logical path to a structured learning if you find a good firm. Most businesses you start at the bottom and work up, and if you get good enough you can make a go of it on your own if you so desire, or move up the ladder where you are at if you perceive it to be a good place to grow.