Series 7 to expire: HELP

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by PhillyTrader, Mar 16, 2004.

  1. My 7 is set to expire in 30 days. Any help on where to place it before that time? Working now in futures and my firm dropped their b/d recently, so my 7 is SOL. Need a b/d firm to go with quickly. Please respond. Thanks community...
  2. Is recently 700 days??
  3. Exactly thirty days remaining til expiry...
  4. Unless the regs have changed, you normally have 2 years from the time your registration is released by the broker to "park it" with another firm.
  5. dgmodel

    dgmodel Guest

    if they dropped it "recently" then youre okay for two years...
  6. Right to all the above posts...
    Two years is up next month. Anyone know of any firms who pick up independent reps just starting out.
  7. Last I heard Parking was illegal...
  8. rwk


    This is my understanding too. However, I believe that it is possible to sponsor oneself. I think you would need a Series 24. Can anybody fill in the details?
  9. dgmodel

    dgmodel Guest

    why dont you go to some small boutique brokerage firm, pretend you want to coldcall, work a day and quit??? thatll renew it for two more years...

    how are two years up if they just recently dropped theyre b/d... if youve been with them, and they dropped it recently then your okay...

  10. Good point above...
    My firm never picked up my 7 as I was still studying for the 3. After the compliance runaround I found out the chairman was (has) dropped the b/d side. Much to my dismay.
    #10     Mar 17, 2004