September debate/tonight

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TreeFrogTrader, Sep 12, 2019.

  1. vanzandt


    Go to 21:23 on this one lol.
    "I am Asian so I know lots of doctors."
    #41     Sep 13, 2019
  2. WeToddDid2


    I didn't watch it. Can you please elaborate?
    #42     Sep 13, 2019
  3. vanzandt


    6:20 to 6:55 on this one for "the most applause award".
    For a moderator!

    "I'm glad you asked me this question."

    Bonus at 7:07...
    "I was born knowing about how this criminal justice system works".
    wtf? :D

    #43     Sep 13, 2019
  4. I honest to god thought that Joe had left the planet during this little interlude. He was asked if he still held the views that he did in the past about not being responsible for the past actions of society, etc. and he just frigging left the planet. Seriously, I just had a visceral feeling that this is the fucking end right here.

    Then after the debate. I heard a couple of networks- Fox included- saying that Joe did himself some good in the debate and held his own and probably protected his poll numbers. I could not believe it. ARE WE NOT WATCHING THE SAME DEBATE, THE SAME PERSON.

    Wow. Some of us are just not, not, not watching the same movie.

    Watch the clip if you need a refresher. Don't forget what the guestion was just because Joe did.

    We will see how the polls work out. Sheesh. I don't even drink but find out what the fuck some people are drinking and order me a gallon, if anyone thinks that Joe helped himself in this debate.
    #44     Sep 13, 2019
  5. smallfil


    He is just feeding into the stereotype of Asians. Maybe, more an exaggeration than a racial remark. I am Asian myself and did not find the remark offensive. A lot of poor Asians go to medical school to rise out poverty and provide a better life for their families. One of my classmates in high school is now a top doctor and specialist. More racist is Jorge Ramos and Buttitieg saying that because Donald Trump supporters said "Build that wall." and "Send her back." That they are all racists! Both these idiots agree and they are the "true" racists!
    #45     Sep 13, 2019
    vanzandt likes this.
  6. You gotta love Bernie saying that the United States has the highest childhood poverty rate on the planet. Ahh, okayyy. According to American criteria where you are destitute if you do not have a large screen TV I guess. Not saying that poverty is not a problem but no need to go batshit crazy in making your point.
    #46     Sep 13, 2019
  7. vanzandt


    Yeah it was almost like something out of a stand-up routine lol.
    And no of course it didn't offend anyone... I thought it was funny, I was thinking more like if a white dude had said it, we'd have heard about it forever. Like Rosie O'Donnel can say "I'm a fat pig"... but don't let Trumpy say dat. :D
    #47     Sep 13, 2019
  8. i didnt watch just saw the recap in the news after and I think the guy from Univision asked some shitty questions about immigration. He should not be invited back.

    Univision anchor Jorge Ramos challenged Biden by saying, “You served as vice president in an administration that deported 3 million people, the most ever in U.S. history. Did you do anything to prevent those deportations? I mean, you’ve been asked this question before and refused to answer, so let me try once again. Are you prepared to say tonight that you and President Obama made a mistake about deportations? Why should Latinos trust you?”

    Uh.....those deportations were mainly criminals and recent unauthorized border crossers... they should have been deported Puto!

    Latinos that cross illegally, especially those that commit crimes while here don't vote so why they fuck should we care that they don't trust the government of the country that they illegally entered into.

    This is the Dem's albatross and what will fuck them up in the election. If Joe said basiucally they deported those who were meant to be deported under the law then latinos should not see anything wrong with that, especially citizens, those here legally under visas, cards or postively adjudicated asylum cases.

    I am amazed more people did not express outrage at the question afterwards.
    #48     Sep 13, 2019
    Cuddles likes this.
  9. No lie there.

    Can't say it was not predictable though.

    As I posted before the debate:

    "Jorge Ramos and George Staphylococcus moderating the debate.

    Doesn't get any more boring than that.

    Someone might want to remind Jorge beforehand that this is actually a debate for people who want to be the President of the United States- not Mexico. Won't do any good though."
    #49     Sep 13, 2019
  10. I hear ya but the issue is that Castro fucked up and dinged Joe on being forgetful and not being able to remember what he said two minutes ago. But the facts are that it was the Castro Boy who forgot what Joe said. Joe, said that if you lose your coverage you will be able to buy into his plan. Then a couple minutes later Castro denigrated Joe for not being able to remember that he said that YOU WILL HAVE TO BUY IN TO HIS PLAN. Joe did not remember BECAUSE HE DID NOT SAY THAT.

    There is an expression: Be careful when you throw mud because you may miss your target and end out with mud on your hands.

    Regular viewers know that it would take a real arsehole to cause me to rise to defend The Joe Biden. The Castro Boy is such an arsehole.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2019
    #50     Sep 13, 2019