Senators ask Holder for more pornography prosecutions

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bearice, Apr 7, 2011.

  1. Ricter


    Uhh, law enforcement is government intervention...
    #11     Apr 7, 2011
  2. Lucrum


    Isn't the senate controlled by a majority of democraps?
    #12     Apr 7, 2011
  3. Just shoot dead all the world pornography people. Earth cannot support 8 billion people.

    World inflation will reduce/fall to great extent.

    Throw/feed these uselss people to crocodiles and sharks. Millions of prey animals will be saved since predators will be well fed.
    #13     Apr 7, 2011
  4. We have seen what the Reagan and Bush deregulation have brought to America. The lack of oversight, regulatory control, etc.

    Somehow you think a completely true free market would solve all the problems?

    I think you must be insane actually to think that a completely free market would be a solution. It would not be a solution, it would be a means of the wealthy to increase their wealth and power, and simultaneously take away away the power and rights of the people who are not in a position of wealth and power.

    Power would be concentrated in the hands of a few, ruling over the many...something that has been increasing with the deregulation efforts by Reagan and the Bush regimes.

    It is not the government's fault that we are in the mess we are in. If our government were a dictator who took power without a vote of the people, you might have a case.

    However, our elected leaders are elected by the people, so our government is just a reflection of the choices the voters make.

    The stupid voters are to blame. The average person isn't thinking clearly. So you want a free market where the average person has no shot or protection against the ravenous greed of those who have the wealth and power?

    #14     Apr 7, 2011
  5. So you think fear is guiding me.

    Can't argue with stupid...and since you are making a stupid argument...

    I'm just guessing that you are a relatively young person, full of ideas of some utopian free market, that never existed, will never exist, because human nature being what it is, would never allow the poor to be free.

    I'm also guessing that you don't know that during the times, especially following the industrial revolution and before the action of government to curb the abuse of the workers by the industrialists, when government did not protect the people to ensure their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness...that business owners treated women, children, and people of all colors like equipment, and not human beings.

    I am just guessing that you are a relatively young person, because you have this pipe dream that if there was no government, that business would solve all the problems facing America today.

    Sorry son, you are not in touch with anything resembling reality.

    Free markets lack the necessary balance not to trample all over the right to life, liberty, and happiness for those on the bottom of the economic pyramid schemes that capitalism has always created...

    It is a sad reality, and part of the maturation process you seem to be avoiding...but you will never be one of the ruling class.

    Just like poor black kids with little talent play basketball dream that one day they will play in the NBA, you are like so many dreamers here at ET that think they are going to be rich, rich, rich trough the venues of capitalism.

    Maybe one day your foolish dreams will shatter, and you will awaken from your self induced and vapid mindless coma thinking that we don't need balance between the interests of the many and the few with power...but I doubt it.

    Regularly I see the right wingers vote in candidates who actually take steps to weaken the middle class...leaving a greater disparity between the average person and the ruling class.

    You think think that somehow a free market will mean a game of capitalism that is not rigged by the elite...which just makes you a fool.

    It has only been a few generations where America (or the world for that matter) has seen a strong middle class.

    That middle class is being systematically destroyed by the actions of both government and the aristocracy...because the government serves the aristocracy, and not the other way around.

    Sorry son, but you got is all ass backwards. Anyone who doesn't understand the nature of human beings, and doesn't think that human beings need their drives regulated by laws and a strong government enforcing the need to act in a civilized manner is smoking the good stuff for sure.

    So good luck with your juvenile dreams and the foolish philosophy of unbridled capitalism as the solution to all of the problems...

    #15     Apr 8, 2011
  6. Sorry son, you got it wrong. I am sad for your stupidity, not afraid of it. You are deluded in your thinking, detached from the reality of life...which is not insulting, but the truth. You know I am telling you the truth...but you just refuse to accept it, and you will become more and more angry when I simply reveal the truth that you know..but cannot accept...because it means you have been duped. You have surrendered your mind to the power of greed, and I assure you no matter how much money you acquire, it won't end well for you.

    Those who think America, now that the middle class has tasted the good life, are just going to roll over and allow the corporations and ruling class to do whatever they please, are in for a rude awakening.

    You probably aren't afraid, most young folks aren't because they feel the invincibility and certainty of youth...but your kind should be afraid. Any review of history will show you how this plays out if the middle class is not taken care of properly.

    Revolutions generally begin with the poor revolting against the haves...and when the middle class haves become the poor and have nots...then the ruling class is in for a shock. We have seen many revolutions by the poor and have nots...but rarely have we seen a situation where so many of the people of a country have had...and now are being driven back to the second class citizenship that was the way things were for hundreds of years going back to feudalism. Take away what someone had previously, and the are going to be more angry than those who never had anything.

    The wingnuts think the union protests are mobs?

    Wait...just wait until the situation becomes even more extreme.

    #16     Apr 8, 2011
  7. So much for your ability to control yourself.

    "Good luck. I will argue with you no more."

    You have some growing up to do son...

    #17     Apr 8, 2011
  8. What would world pornography? The internet servers and google are located in USA. Millions or Billions of people are getting destroyed worldwide because of world pornography.
    #18     Apr 8, 2011
  9. Other poster:

    When pornography people get you and your family appear in one their sex videos, you will understand why pornography is scorned by spiritual leaders and violence encouraged. These pornography people are ruthless when it comes to sex. They spare nobody. They want to rule this world.
    #19     Apr 8, 2011
  10. Other poster:

    My highly intelligent friend got involved with prostitution and pornography at a young age. Many years back he watched 37 porn movies in a single day. Today he is ordinary manager in an average company. When he was young he could swim under water for 5 minutes but today he is very weak. He told me that prostitutes want to rule this world.

    People involved in prostitution and pornography are very weak. If a strong man slaps these useless people they will die immediately. But these useless people are ruthless when it comes to sex.
    #20     Apr 8, 2011