Senator suggests AIG execs should kill themselves

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Banjo, Mar 17, 2009.

  1. achilles28


    Bankers Rule the Country.

    People are in denial.
    #71     Mar 18, 2009
  2. That's right, everyone behaved irresponsibly, including AIG and the monolines. So, while I agree with your argument in general, the blatant disregard for risk management and the abuse of the effective implicit govt guarantee is particularly heinous in AIG's case.
    #72     Mar 18, 2009
  3. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    As long as someone is willing to buy it.
    #73     Mar 18, 2009
  4. wmb


    AIG never went Bankrupt.
    These politicians need to be removed! complete morons, including the [past president and the current one!
    #74     Mar 18, 2009
  5. AIG is riddled with scum. You can smell them a mile away.

    They should be under indictment not receiving $.

    This is an outrage.
    #75     Mar 18, 2009
  6. The gubment won't defend the borders and they won't jail the crooks.

    Eventually the people , dumb and lazy as they are, will have enough of it.

    Everyone except the tick-F@#$ers on Et.
    #76     Mar 18, 2009
  7. TGregg


    It's not even following the letter or the spirit of the law. Look at all the dolts who want AIG to renege on their contractually obligated bonuses. It's not letter or spirit or anything else, just gimme gimme gimme, I'm taking mine and yours and you can go F yourself.

    AIG made some mistakes sure. So let em fail. Let em fold up. Let the dorks face an interview trying to get a new job and having to explain why they messed everything up. But they didn't steal the money from us, our duly elected representatives #@&^ing gave it to them!

    If you have a problem with bailouts (like I do) then don't blame AIG any more than you can blame welfare recipients for getting welfare. Blame the scum that gave `em the money. All AIG did was ask for it. Bums ask me for a dollar every day, should I put a bullet in their skull and two in their chest for that?
    #77     Mar 18, 2009