Senator McCain did not put country first when he selected his running mate

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Thunderdog, Sep 6, 2008.

  1. But that doesn't answer my question. I am saying that McCain did not put country first. He put politics first. He put himself first. This is the man who said he'd rather win a war than lose an election. However, he would apparently rather win an election than put country first.

    Had he put country first, McCain would have chosen someone like Romney, who essentially shares his ideals and would be able to assume the role of president should the circumstances so require far better than Palin would be capable of doing. The issue was raised that McCain needed the evangelical vote and that he would not get it with Romney as his running mate. I am not plugged in enough to comment on Romney's appeal with that group, but I would think that Huckabee would probably meet the evangelical criteria. And he is far more experienced than Palin and, therefore, far better qualified than Palin to assume the top position if required.

    And so, we return to the initial premise of this thread: Senator McCain did not put country first when he selected his running mate.
    #21     Sep 8, 2008
    #22     Sep 8, 2008
  3. You are assuming the broad-based USA electorate has intelligence to insult ! Bush was elected twice.
    #23     Sep 8, 2008

  4. Sorry, I hit reply button without reply.

    The link I sent shows McCain strategy is to take white blue collar vote by picking Palin. The vote he needs to possibly win. So his choice of vp is to make the probability of winning higher.
    #24     Sep 8, 2008
  5. Some awfully sexist stuff.

    If “experience” is some be all arbitor of quality why did Joe Biden only receive 9000 of the 40,000,000 votes cast in the Democratic primaries? Against two “junior” Senators. The nominee has served 3 and a half years in D.C.-half of which he's spent running for President. Palin will be criticized for this hiring or that firing or this project or that but the irony is it only buttresses her qualifications. Why? Because Obama has ZERO executive experience. His record is tough to attack because he has no record to attack. Half the issues he ran on against Hillary he's flip flopped on in the general campaign. He DISPLAYS a lack of experience but worse yet he's displaying a lack of trustworthiness and that is death to a campaign.

    #25     Sep 8, 2008
  6. David Gergan (sp?) had it right. McCain needed money and an enthusiastic backing from the Evangelical Right that is why he picked her. Other more qualified women like Olympia Snow or Kay Hutchenson would not have done that since they are pro choice. I also believed he did NOT put his country first in his choice and by this choice if he wins and GOD forbid he dies in office we will be left with an inexperienced, DIVISIVE, greedy, controlling person.
    #26     Sep 8, 2008
  7. Your observations, such as they are, have nothing directly to do with the theme of this thread. This thread is all about, and only about, Senator McCain and his apparent hypocrisy. If he were to put country first, then McCain would have chosen a more qualified running mate from the Republican ranks. I had mentioned Romney earlier, but someone noted that Romney would alienate the evangelical vote. I then suggested Huckabee, but received no reply. Are Romney and Huckabee not far better qualified to be VP than Palin? Is that what you are implying? And if they are indeed better qualified, then Senator McCain is pandering and NOT putting country first, as he would have you believe.

    Please answer the question I asked rather than making tangential comments that may or may not belong in other threads.
    #27     Sep 8, 2008
  8. Lucrum


    Is this designed to make me and other US voters want to put Osama in the White House? I can't speak for everyone, but it's NOT working on me.

    Is the VP choice not McCain's to make, for better or worse? We could debate each others OPINION on VP choices until hell freezes over. But in the end we (not you) the US voters will decide on his VP choice at the polls.
    Could he have chosen better? Maybe, but then that's purely a matter of OPINION.

    Pandering? Sure, maybe. But then here on planet earth that's what politicians do, INCLUDING your favorite Muslim politician Barrack Hussein Osama.
    #28     Sep 8, 2008
  9. Oh and one more thought on this "AMERICA FIRST"...The Republicans did not give ME any HOPE that they could actually make REAL changes that would help Americans.

    They want smaller government but because they don't fund the regulatory bodies that exist we have massive waste and fraud in medicare/medicaid and the financial markets and allow our children to be poisoned with lead in their toys.

    This is the add Obama should run....voice over (picture)

    Our infrastructure crumbling ( the bridge collapse...roads in ruin)

    Our Health care system in shambles (crowded ER rooms, people in bed in the halls because no rooms available)

    Our Economy in Ruin (rows of forclosures...factories shuttered)

    And NO Child left a DIME (kid reading book upside down...empty pockets)

    Do we really want FOUR more years?????
    #29     Sep 8, 2008
  10. What's the matter? The facts aren't good enough, so you have to make stuff up? Is that all you got?
    #30     Sep 8, 2008