Senate Report: Bush Used Iraq Intel He Knew Was False

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ZZZzzzzzzz, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. In late 1999 US intelligence had infiltrated while earlier funding and supporting the Mujahideen's efforts in Afghanistan. With knowledge and support given in the worldwide recruitment to the organization, also came the knowledge and copies of communication routes as well as transcripts therefrom.

    Towards 2001 they gathered increasing information about an attack in the US after US policies supporting energy-providing (sometimes tyrannic) regimes' stability had alienated much of the populations in the region. Accumulating in concrete evidence and real indications of imminent attack - George W. Bush had to face a terrible moral choice... Let the attack happen as discovered by US intelligence and continue his stay with little kids at a social function, or let the former buddies - now enemies know that they were caught.

    Of course he chose the greater cause - knowing the consequences and giving opportunities for better control over energy supplies via natural gas pipelines through Afghanistan and possibility for control over Iraq's oil rich fields. All this would cement his group of influential people as key to continued energy riches.

    Total BS!

    A great leader would never sacrifice his people - he would save them and always look out for their best and safety. Then he would kick the enemy's ass with his people's support.
    #11     Jun 6, 2008